Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,
Term 3 is flying by, with lots of exciting happenings in the school. Students have been engaging in a wide range of classroom-based, experiential and co-curricular learning opportunities. We take as many opportunities as possible to showcase the daily life of a student at LSC on our college Facebook and Instagram pages. We encourage all members of our college community and wider local community to like and follow these pages as well as regularly to stay connected, up to date and see unique insights into our college.
This report contains a range of updates that gives you just a small glimpse into the work we have been focusing on in Term 3, 2023.
Capital Works and Facilities Improvement
We have recently made the following small-scale improvements to our college grounds and facilities:
- Completion of small decoration Japanese-style garden designed and completed by our School-Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (SBAT) students
- Creation of a new music stage for classroom and lunchtime jam sessions in our Music Room
- Installation of new picnic and restaurant style outdoor furniture around the Wentworth Street side to create more passive recreation areas
We are currently holding a cookie dough fundraiser during Term 3, with all funds raised going towards refurnishing our school library space during 2024. We have already engaged with a library design and furnishing specialist group to provide design suggestions for an update of this space which we are very excited about!
Finally, I am pleased to update the college community about progress made on the announcement funding commitment of $13.6 million for major capital works and upgrades of college facilities. On Wednesday 16th August, I alongside our College Business Manager, met with representatives from the Department of Education, Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) and a number of representatives from architectural firms that will be tenderers for our facilities improvement project. During this meeting, we were able to take the groups on a detailed tour and walk through of the college to highlight our areas to target facilities improvements, as well as share with them our school context, successes and opportunities for the future.
This process will continue when tenderers present their briefs for the projects and the college alongside the Department and VSBA representatives will select and appoint a group who will start the process by developing a masterplan for the college. Exciting times ahead for LSC!
College Values – Lyndhurst Legacy
This year, we have launched a renewed focus on our School-Wide Positive Behaviours System. As part of this work, we engaged in a consultation process with both students and staff about the measures that were being used to recognise positive behaviours in the college. Feedback from both students and staff was strongly in favour of updating the measures to make them more aspirational (moving beyond recognising the minimum standard) and adopting more adult as opposed to primary-school feeling language. The new and improved Lyndhurst Legacy Values are shown below for your information:
Students have the opportunity to earn Lyndhurst Legacy points by displaying the above values and behaviours in a range of settings, including in class, in the community, as part of our clubs running across the week and in leadership.
Since the start of Term 3, there have been 6,993 points awarded to students for demonstrating our Lyndhurst Legacy Values!
Students with certain numbers of points/nominations from teachers are recognised at year level and whole school assemblies with certificate presentations, as well as the opportunity to earn badges with different levels of patches (bronze, silver, gold, platinum) over their years as an LSC student.
I am looking forward to being able to celebrate our Lyndhurst Legacy values awards and present our first ever badges at our upcoming whole school assembly on Tuesday 5th September!
Parent Engagement and Connection
At Lyndhurst Secondary College, we want all parents and carers to be partners in their child’s learning. Five simple ways in which parents and carers can do this include:
- Ensure you have access to, and regularly check Compass for important information and updates; if you need to reset your Compass password, please visit the Main Office or call us on 5996 0144!
- Support your child to attend excursions and events by ensuring you use Compass to give permission and make payments by the required dates
- Use Compass or call the Main Office to provide explanations for any absence that your child may have
- Contact your child’s classroom teachers, home group teacher or year level Team Leader if you have any questions about their learning, progress or ways to support them to learn, grow and improve
- Take opportunities to connect with the college, including the opportunity to discuss your child’s learning progress or give feedback to support college improvement
One such opportunity for parents and carers to connect is by providing your feedback in our annual Parent and Carer Opinion Survey. This is open from now until Friday 8th September. To access the survey, please visit Compass and check the Newsfeed for the post which contains the link to access the survey, as well as the PIN to login.
Parents and carers are also encouraged to attend our upcoming Learning Conferences which are scheduled on Wednesday 6th September. Bookings will be opening up soon and can be made via Compass.
Pre-Conditions for Learning: Equipment
I would like to take this opportunity to put a spotlight on one of our pre-conditions for learning at Lyndhurst Secondary College – our focus on all students having full and correct equipment for learning for every period of every day.
Please see important information about equipment for learning in the tiles below:
Ms Eloise Haynes