Deutsche Ecke
R-2, 4/5 Libby Edwards
Yrs 3-6 Emma Chesterman
Deutsche Ecke
R-2, 4/5 Libby Edwards
Yrs 3-6 Emma Chesterman
The Year 3, 4, 5s have been learning about Märchen (fairytales). It has been a wonderful journey of discovery learning about the Grimm Brothers and their darker versions of the Disney favourites: Schneewittchen (Snow White) Aschenputtel (Cinderella), Rotkäppchen (Red Riding Hood), Dornröschen (Sleeping Beauty), Rumpelstiltskin, Hansel und Gretel and der Froschkönig (The Frog Prince).
But how much do you know about Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm?
Fun fact: the German for ‘Once upon a time…” is Es war einmal…
Gruesome fact: the evil witch in Snow White cooks and eats what she believes is Schneewittchen’s heart! A bit different to the version most of us know!
Want to know more? Check out this website: