Wellbeing & Engagement

Nik Skrob 

Assistant Principal 

Wellbeing and Learning Support

Parent forum for families of children with disability or additional needs 

Statewide Inclusive Education Services (SIES) (formerly SERU) holds regular parent forums for parents or carers of children and students with disability or additional needs.


The forums are an opportunity for parents and carers to:

  •  network with other parents and carers of children with disability
  • connect with relevant disability organisations and information across the state
  • access the extensive resource library that houses approximately 20,000 resources including:     
  • books and developmental learning materials      
  • access equipment     
  • assistive technologies     
  • classroom amplification/acoustic equipment.

The next forum is being facilitated on Friday 15 September. Please click on this link to register. 


REMINDER: Crazy Hair Day! 

A group of students in Fisher have been working collaboratively with Student Ambassadors to organise 'Crazy Hair Day'. 


The event will take place on Friday 1st September. Please bring a gold coin donation on the day if you are participating, Students wanted to provide the donations to the South Australian Royal Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). 


We look forward to seeing many cool hairstyles on the day!