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In this newsletter, we are highlighting a Special Report called: Parenting Styles - What type of parent are you?



'Raising children can bring great joy as you watch them grow and develop into unique individuals. The relationship parents and caregivers have with their children will have a huge influence on their lives. Most parents learn about parenting ‘on the job’ and grow into their role with experience.


Whilst there are several parenting styles discussed in this special report, children benefit most when parents are warm and loving, providing clear guidance and support. Understanding more about different parenting styles and their affects on children, will help you decide what kind of style you may want to adopt.' - SchoolTV


SchoolTV aggregates information from many great resources such as BeyondBlue, ReachOut, Headspace and many others. It provides a single stream of independent factual information that saves parents time and confusion of searching online across multiple sites for information.'