School News

Week 6 Update
We have hit the halfway mark of another extremely busy term. We have some more exciting events over the coming weeks with swimming and Community Night.
Community Night is going to be another opportunity to visit classrooms and interact with learning that has been occurring this year. We will be focussing specifically on the School Values and Learner Qualities. We will also have an opportunity for parents to provide their thinking regarding our Learner Qualites to support embeddeding them into learning.
The annual Community Event POSTER COMPETITION is back!
We are planning the event in the coming weeks, so watch this space for more detailed information.
SSO Recognition Week
Last week was SSO Recognition Week however due to Book Week we have been celebrating and acknowledging SSOs this week. Thank you to all of our wonderful support staff. We are so grateful for everything you do for our students, staff, families and the whole school community. #SSOWeek #LNPSProud
They are the bright and cheery team that welcomes you to the school and helps you with finances, medical issues and with information about the school. They provide programs for intervention for children, they provide support for specific learning needs, they maintain the school grounds and buildings, and they help to maintain a vibrant and interesting library.
The school could not operate effectively without the huge support they provide to us as leaders and teachers in the school.
We feel sure that you, as an appreciative school community, would join us in acknowledging the great work that they do.
To acknowledge our wonderful SSO Team we had a lovely lunch provided by Bakers On Henley and cards of appreciation designed by our students.
Learning Conferences
Students, parents/caregivers and teachers are just about to complete another highly successful round of Learning Conferences. It is exciting to speak with students and families about the growth that is happening related to English and Maths and Learner Qualities.
As part of our approach to continually refine our practices and our first time online, if you have any feedback regarding Learning Conferences please contact me at or 84435544.
Tyson and Mirjana