Joel McDougal
Senior Sub School Manager
We are over halfway through Term 3 and there is a lot happening in the Senior Sub School to prepare students for the end of year celebrations and formalities that are to come. Now is a timely reminder that your attendance is as important as ever. If you are unable to attend school due to illness, please contact our attendance officer and provide a medical certificate with the correct days of absence upon your return to school. If you are not in the classroom learning, the expectation is you will contact your teachers and catch up on work missed to ensure the best outcomes in your education.
Although the end of the year is near, now is not the time to become complacent in your studies and revision. Remember to get enough sleep each night and consume nutritious food throughout the day to fuel your body and brain. Manage your time well and continue to go over the content for all your subjects to make revision more manageable as we approach exam time.
Year 12 Jumpers
Year 11 students have decided on a version for their 2024 jumper. Instructions about ordering the jumper have been sent out via Compass and Google Classroom. Orders need to be made directly through Indigo Wolf by Friday 15 September.
Practice Exams – September Holidays
During the first week of the September school holidays Unit 3 and 4 students will be a part of practice exams that will replicate and prepare them for the VCAA exams that begin in October. These exams run from Monday till Thursday and are compulsory for all scored VCE students. Staff are busy preparing exams and revision material for students to ensure they are given the best opportunity to achieve their best at the end of the year. The exam timetable is posted on Google Classroom for students to see. Any concerns with exam times or clashes need to be forwarded onto Mr McDougall to make an alternative time for you to complete your exam.
Graduation Tickets
Year 12 Graduation will take place at GMHBA stadium on Tuesday 21 November. Tickets are now available for purchase at $100 per person via the Administration Office or online using Compass. Year 12 students can invite 2 guests to attend the evening of celebrations. Tickets need to be paid in full by the 13th of October. Additional guest tickets may be released on the 16th of October depending on numbers. If any students need assistance in purchasing tickets, please see Mr McDougall or Mrs Martin in the Senior Sub School.