James Allen
Year 7 Assistant Coordinator
We are now halfway through the school term and the Junior Sub-School Staff would like to acknowledge all the hard work both Year 7 and 8 students have been putting in. This has been recognised by plenty of positive entries on Compass, as well as feedback from teachers.
It has been a busy term with Years 7 and 8 going out on Interschool sports last week. Well done to all students who did an excellent job at representing the College in basketball, volleyball and tennis. As well as this, the Excellence in Sports Program continues to engage Year 7 students in Soccer, AFL and Volleyball where coaches are seeing massive improvements in their students. The Excellence in Sports coaches are very excited at the young talent that is coming through. Please continue to keep attending training and giving your best effort to every session.
There has been a big improvement with students wearing the correct uniform however, there are still a few students not following the correct uniform policy. If for whatever reason, the students are not able to wear their correct uniform, a note must be provided from the parents/guardians, or a phone call must be made to the school to explain why the students are out of uniform for that day. If there are any issues with getting the correct uniform, please contact the Well-Being Team for assistance.
All in all, it has been an excellent first half of Term 3 and we in the Junior Sub-School are very much looking forward to the remainder and celebrating student achievement, inside and outside of the classroom.