Paul Dawson Bradley Headlam Sarah Bridges
Brad Smallman Ryan Mills
Acting Assistant Principals
Term 3 is proving to be a busy term and it is really positive to see so many students receive “green” entries on Compass and join in the many extra-curricular activities. Green entries reflect the college values of Respect/Excellence/Achievement/Diversity and are awarded when a student displays these qualities. Our lunchtime activities are growing and include a variety of clubs including philosophy, gaming, chess and we encourage all students to participate and enjoy the fun and make new friends.
School Production
This term we are proud to present the school production “High School Musical”. Many students have been busily rehearsing and are excited to present their musical and acting skills. Please support our students and purchase tickets from the admin office ($10). Performances take place on 22/23/24 August at 7:00pm.
International Visitors
During this term we have had the opportunity to welcome many international students to our school community. Two groups from China and one from Japan have joined our classes and shared many lovely experiences with their host families. The sharing of our culture and language further develops the diversity within our multicultural school and encourages learning about the wider world. Thank you to all the host families who have made this possible.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Thank you to all families and students who attended parent teacher conferences to discuss student progress. These conferences are a valuable opportunity to meet staff and set goals for the rest of the year. Data on attendance and feedback will be collected and analysed and changes/improvements will be made accordingly.
Please contact a teacher or a member of the Student Management Team with any questions or concerns regarding your child/student.
Course Counselling
Students in Years 9, 10 and 11 have selected subjects for next year, guided by the Careers Team. Year 10 students have participated in Careers Week which involved visiting Tertiary Institutions and exploring courses, hearing from past students and their experiences in the workplace and looking at their own skills and interests to select a course for Year 11.
This has been a really positive and valid discussion about capabilities, potential challenges with strong decisions made by students in pursuit of their potential career pathway. In addition to this the students were directed to further pathways advice as required.
Below are examples of the points students discussed with their counsellor:
- What do you like doing?
- What are you good at?
- What did the Morrisbey survey say about you and your strengths?
- Do you have a pathway or occupation in mind for your future career?
- Do you know how to get there?
- Have you considered University, TAFE?
- Will you be considering VCE or VM?
- If you are an applied learner, have you explored opportunities to experience different workplaces? Would you like to?
- What are your teachers suggesting for you?
This starts to shape the plan for students and the 2024 college programs and curriculum.
Be Bold Be Heard
The third Forum for the Be Bold Be Heard initiative was held at Cat’s Community Centre at GMHBA stadium. It was a fantastic day once again and although the students worked hard through their actions, they had time for some bracelet making, dance, gratitude and a BBBH cup cake. The final celebration forum will be held in Term 4, on 2 November.
BBBH Staff Workshop
One of the BBBH student actions includes workshops for staff. Recently Nya, December and Tanishka conducted a workshop on misogyny. This allowed staff to consider an issue often outside their comfort zone and tackle some of the issues experienced by students. This was an incredibly powerful activity and has spilled into the discussions of many other meetings around the school.
BBBH growth
We have been constantly trying to get this initiative to all schools in Geelong and we are also looking at expanding to private schools and beyond our region. To do this we have engaged with Respectful Relationships staff and Soroptimists International Geelong. Recently we presented at the Respectful Relationships collective on our launching of the BBBH initiative, its actions and recent outcomes. Many schools have since requested to be a part of the program and we have also received sponsorship from Soroptimists International Geelong which will subsidise the participation of 10 students and provide guest speakers. We hope to set up a committee and then engage with some of these initiatives later this term.
Compass: Excursions
A reminder that we require consent and payment for excursions and events before the cutoff date that is on Compass. A number of our providers require confirmed student numbers in attendance as a minimum the week before the event is to take place, therefore, we are unable to accept late requests after the cutoff date. We do not like students missing out on these experiences and we understand that sometimes you may miss the initial email notification when an event is published, therefore we suggest you log into Compass regularly and check if there are any outstanding events that need consent or require payment. Thanks for your support.
Disengaged Students
There is a lot of work being done to re-engage students who have attended very little schooling this term. A letter was sent out to parents and students last week about attendance and options for change. This has been successful, and parents are organising meetings to identify avenues for support. Many students have actually returned but there is a lot of work to do to maintain their attendance. The Sub-Schools, student wellbeing and staff are to be congratulated for their efforts.
If your child is reluctant to get to school, please contact either their Sub-School leader or an Assistant Principal to organise a meeting. There are many things we can try to support you and your child, but coming in and having a chat is a positive first step.