Student Awards
Learning Power Award Recipients
Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.
- Collaboration
- Curiosity
- Creativity
- Reflection
- Motivation
- Resilience
On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.
We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.
Week 6 | ||
Prep L | Elijah | For being a motivated learner who is always focused and ready to take on tricky learning tasks with a positive attitude! Elijah always strives to do her best whilst also being a fantastic role model who is always following the WOW's and being a kind friend! Well done Elijah! |
Prep N | William | For being a collaborative learner who confidently shares his writing skills to “lift up” his peers. William shows his peers how he uses predictable spelling patterns to attempt unknown words and records beginning, middle and final sounds. He is happy to receive feedback and quick to apply it. We are lucky to have you in Prep N, William. |
1/2C | Pragnya | For being a collaborative learner during both maths group activities and new reading rotations this week. She ensured that all members of her group had a chance to participate and kept them focused on the task, demonstrating an example of strong leadership skills. Pragnya is a driver in her learning every day and is a great asset to her peers. Keep up the good work Pragnya! |
1/2S | Ashi | For being a motivated learner who was an active participant during shared learning sessions this week. She remained focused by asking clarifying questions and sharing her thoughts. Ashi, your enthusiasm and positivity towards learning is infectious to those around you. Thank you for making our classroom a great place to learn. |
1/2JA | Kiara | For being a motivated learner who engaged with all learning tasks this week. Kiara used teacher models to assist her in creating a detailed explanation text on 'how do seeds grow?'. Kiara included topic specific language and a labelled diagram. Well done Kiara, keep up the fantastic work habits. |
3/4SL | Nainika | For being a motivated learner who consistently remains engaged and focused, always willing to invest considerable time and effort into her learning. She focuses on her strengths and sets goals to continuously improve her learning. |
3/4O | Fabian | For being a reflective learner who demonstrated determination during writing. Fabian took feedback on board to drive his learning and revise and edit his narrative writing piece. Keep up the great work, Fabian! |
3/4S | Ashton | For being a curious learner who drives his own learning. Ashton is eager to question and explore. In Maths, Ashton has been in control of his own learning by working hard to find more than one solution to challenging tasks. |
5/6AN | Akira | For being a collaborative learner who is willing to step up during pair or group activities and drive the learning and that of a small group. Keep on motivating others to learn Akira, Well done! |
5/6K | Giorgios | For being a collaborative learner, who demonstrated an inclusive and flexible attitude during our science incursion. You set a great example on how to make sure everyone feels respected and appreciated. Keep up the inclusive attitude. |
5/6S | Noah | For being a curious learner, who likes to explore how things are done and come up with possible solutions. You have an inquisitive attitude towards your learning, and this is especially evident when you are looking at ways to solve open ended math problems and conduct scientific experiments. You are also skilled at sharing your understandings so it sparks curiosity in others! Please keep up your positive efforts in this space Noah! |
Nick (PE) | Aagam 5/6AN | For being a motivated learner during our AFL lesson. Aagam I was so impressed with your footy skills, especially your kicking. I look forward to seeing how we can progress your learning in AFL. Keep on striving to improve your skills. |
Week 7 | ||
Prep L | Adau | For being a curious learner who led her group last week in making Oobleck! Adau asked lots of questions about how the Oobleck changed, diving deep into the experiment with a can-do attitude. Well done Adau!! |
Prep N | Kyra | For being a motivated learner who is investing effort into building her literacy skills. Kyra is bravely decoding unknown words in reading and attempting to record the sounds she hears in words when writing. Keep up the good work Kyra. |
1/2C | Travis | For being a motivated learner who has shown an increase in classroom participation this week. Travis is now a driver of his learning who has gained courage and motivation to share his brilliant ideas and ask questions to deepen his understanding. Keep up the amazing work Travis! |
1/2S | Axel | For being a motivated and engaged learner this week during shared learning discussions. He was focused on learning new things and changing his thinking. Axel asks questions, shares his thinking and makes connections to new learning. Well done, Axel. |
1/2JA | Kai | For being a motivated learner who remained focusing during independent tasks. In Maths, Kai was able to identify the difference between regular and irregular shapes and explain his mathematical thinking. Kai assisted his peers with sorting the shapes.Well done Kai, keep up the great work Kai! |
3/4SL | Percy | For being a collaborative learner who always works effectively with others to achieve the set goal. He encourages and includes his peers in all tasks. He shows patience by waiting on other’s responses and respects everyone’s differences. |
3/4O | Brandon | For being a motivated learner who gets started with his learning straight away and puts effort into all learning tasks. Brandon has demonstrated motivation in maths as he has learnt how to model and represent fractions. Keep it up, Brandon! |
3/4S | Harvey | For being a collaborative learner, who can effectively share his ideas and thoughts while at the same time listen to others. You are respectful, patient, and quick to offer support to your classmates. Well Done Harvey! |
5/6AN | Nikolaos | For being a motivated learner, who has been focused and engaged on tasks. You have been driving your learning to the next level of engagement. Your sketch noting for your explanation text is a great example of you investing in your learning. We are looking forward to reading your explanation text. Keep up the positive learning, Niko. |
5/6K | Rosie | For being a resilient and reflective learner. Over the last two weeks you have taken onboard feedback and challenged yourself to learn the new skill of sketch noting. You have been refining your style and have created an excellent example of sketch notes about how thunderstorms form. Keep up this adaptable attitude to learning! |
5/6S | Chelsea | For being a being a motivated learner, who approaches tasks with positivity and can effectively drive her learning. You take the time to really think about your work and consider the best way to complete it to very high standard. An example of this is the way you take sketch notes and construct explanation texts. Your positive attitude helps motivate others to invest in their learning too! Please keep up your great efforts Chelsea! |