Religious Education News 

Jessica Earle 

Religious Education Leader 


Confirmation Reflection Day

On Friday 8th September the year 6 students will gather to spend a day in retreat. Students in year 6 may come to school in respectful casual attire and will have the opportunity to pray together, attend Mass, spend some social time with a tasty lunch as well as ask questions and learn from Bishop Tony Ireland. We look forward to this occasion. Thank you to those parents who have offered to help us with Lunch for the students.


Confirmation itself!

The students in year 6 have chosen a Saint as their patron and studied the life and legacy of the saints. They will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday 14th September in the evening. Please pray for them, their sponsors, and their families!


About Bishops

Bishops wear a lot of interesting things and come with many interesting items - see if you can spot what the Bishop is wearing:

Crosier : The shepherd's staff used on ceremonial occasions. It symbolises being the shepherd of the people in the diocese.

Mitre : The triangular headgear, also worn by the Pope. There are three kinds depending on the liturgical season, and it is removed whenever the bishop is about to pray.

Pectoral Cross : The large ornamental cross worn as a necklace.

Ring : A ring worn on the third finger of the right hand. Some people still kiss the bishop's hand as a sign of their love for him and the recognition that he is a living icon of Christ in the midst of the church.

Zucchetto (Skull Cap) : Bishops wear a purple zucchetto while cardinals wear red and the Pope wears white.

Coat of Arms : A bishop chooses symbols appropriate to himself and his diocese. The arms of the diocese may occupy the left side whilst his personal arms occupy the right.

Motto : In order to motivate the faithful and to set himself a specific direction, a new bishop will select a set of meaningful words, often written in Latin on the bottom of the Coat of Arms.


Liturgical Dates Term 3

At St Mary’s we have some important liturgical dates coming up - please note these down for your calendar in Term 3:

Thursday 24th August  - Confirmation Family Faith Night (Year 6) 6pm

Sunday 27th August - Confirmation Preparation & Senior School Mass 5:30pm

Friday 1st September - Father’s and Special Friends Mass 9.15am

Friday 8th September - Confirmation Retreat Day

Friday 8th September  - Visit by Bishop Tony

Thursday 14th September - Sacrament of Confirmation (Year 6) 7pm

As the primary sharers of faith in your family we strongly encourage you to come along and support the students and community in prayer at these services.


Looking forward to Term 4

At St Mary’s we have some important liturgical dates coming up - please note these down for your calendar in the beginning of Term 4:

Thursday 5th October - Reconciliation Faith Night (Year 3) 6:00pm

Sunday 8th October - Reconciliation Preparation & Middle School Mass 5:30pm

Thursday 19th October - Sacrament of Reconciliation (Year 3) 6:00pm

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.