From the Principal 

Mrs Cathy Ferrari

Dear Families


We can’t believe that it is nearly the end of another term, and what an exciting week we have in front of us!  


It was great sharing last Friday morning with our Dad’s, Grandfather’s and Special Friends. Our breakfast was well attended and the aroma of egg and bacon rolls and sausages filled the air. Thank you to our dedicated P & F team and additional parents and carers for setting the morning and cooking our breakfast.  In particular a big shout out to Emilio, Claudette, Mel and Louisa. 

In class the students focused on how these family members enrich their lives and how much they do for all of us.   Enjoy these reflective letters from some of our Year Two students. 

We are going to do a round two of the hand designed mugs and will work on these early next Term. These mugs will then be covered with a food safe water resistant product. Stay tuned for further updates. 


After breakfast selected Year 4 to Year 6 students left for the HOLT Interschool Athletics Carnival at Duncan MacKinnon. Whilst the rest of us celebrated Mass thanking God for our families. We congratulate our athletes and you can read more about this in  Around the School by our Year 6 Sports Leaders; Brie, Carmen & Wilson. Thank you to the staff and parents that attended. This day would not be possible without the work and support of Mrs Mason and Mr Addicoat. 


We are full steam ahead for our Pirate Past Noon production and are so proud of our students and staff.  Prepare to sail the high seas next Wednesday! 


Tomorrow our Year 6 students will be participating in their Confirmation Reflection Day. On this day, they prepare to learn more about the Sacrament of Confirmation, what it means to each of them as young members of the Church and the importance of the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.  Ms Denise and myself have the privilege of working with them and we will be joined by Father Jerome. Bishop Tony Ireland will also visit us in preparation for the sacrament. 


There is a special lunch, for which we thank Father Jerome. Patrick and Nikki have kindly offered to help prepare the lunch, for which we are most appreciative. I always enjoy learning about the saint that each student has chosen and why. I often discover saints that I have not heard of before. We pray for the candidates that will be making their Sacrament of Confirmation. We pray that the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirt work within and among them.


This term we have had the pleasure of working with Mr Blain (Year 4 McD), Miss Gardener (Year 3) and Miss Shari (Prep), our Australian Catholic University Pre-service Teachers. They have learnt a great deal from their mentors and have given much to our school in their time with us. We wish them all the best as they complete the final parts of their studies. 


Several of our students entered in a Port Phillip Library writing competition. We congratulate Polly and Leo for their entries.  


We were thrilled to hear of the safe arrival of baby Abel James Palmer and congratulate Jade and Tom on their new arrival. We know that Ivy and Scarlett will be loving step sisters. 


We wish all those well who have a team in the finals. I may be relived on Friday morning or disappointed, but either way go the Dees… 


Summer Uniform is to be worn in Term 4.  As we are a Sunsmart School – Hats are

compulsory in Term 4.  Only the school hat is to be worn.  These are available at Primary School Wear (Ormond).  


Finally have a safe, relaxing and wonderful break and rest up for Term 4.

Mrs Cathy Ferrari