P&C - Parents and Citizens Association

Next online Zoom meeting Monday 16 October 2023 at 6:30pm, link below.
Topic: Cunderdin Ag P&C Zoom Meeting
Time: Oct 16, 2023 06:30 PM Perth
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 743 8263 1310
Passcode: 4vBW63
2023-2024 P&C Committee:
- Marie Murray (President)
- Leanne Childs (Vice President)
- Jo Walker (Treasurer / Secretary)
At the recent AGM we only had 3 Year 11 parents join in on the Zoom meeting. To form an Executive Committee we NEED 2 more members, so please consider becoming a P&C member to assist Marie, Leanne and Jo, and potentially develop new skills, make new friends and contribute to the College community. All that’s involved is one Zoom meeting per term and perhaps some correspondence between committee members via WhatsApp. If you are interested, join the next Zoom meeting and talk with the committee or contact the College.
It's just under two weeks until the Ball and our Year 11/12 Parent Night! We currently have 60 tickets purchased, remember no walk ins, all tickets must be purchased prior to the night. Please purchase your tickets ASAP via the link below;
RAFFLE The Parmelia Hilton has kindly donated 1 NIGHT QUEEN/TWIN ROOM PLUS BREAKFAST! We will be raffling this off at the Parent Night so please bring some cash to purchase raffle tickets 😊 Thanks Leanne, our Vice President, for organising this.
The role of a P&C is to work together to support the school and students. In planning for next year perhaps take some time to ask your son/daughter what they think is needed at the school, so the P&C can create a ‘wishlist’ and then decide how the funds will be spent. As the saying goes ‘if you don’t ask you don’t get’!
Hope to see some new faces at the next meeting – 16 October 6:30pm
P&C Committee