2024 Reception Enrolments

Get in NOW for 2024!

We are underway with our planning work for the 2024 Reception intakes.


A reminder, if you or another family you know is interested and thinking of enrolling at Marion PS for either the beginning of year or the mid-year intake, please ensure they contact the school ASAP.


We are currently reaching out and in connection with all of our local Kindys and long daycare centres to build and establish networks and relationships with them and gauge further numbers for next year. This will build and strengthen the transition visits we are planning and ensure no one misses out on these!


We still have some places available but really need to firm up numbers for next year and planning the transition visits soon!


Please be in touch with Guy or Sue if you have any questions, queries or ways we can support with 2024 Reception enrolments.


Guy Walmsley
