By Jenny Simmons (Maths Teacher) 


Our inaugural House Chess competition was held in late July. Spanning over three lunchtimes, we had approximately 20 keen chess players from Years 5 - 10 who participated. There was only a 4 point difference between 1st and 3rd, so it was a close competition. 


Final results were:

1. Marunari

2. Sherbrooke

3. Yarra

4. Wattle


Congratulations to all students who participated. A special mention to our youngest player Hudson H (Year 5) who won 5 out of his 6 matches. Well done Hudson!



By Jenny Simmons (Maths Teacher)


Our School Sports Captain, Jeremy D, organised a knock-out chess tournament for Year 11 and 12 students. This competition was also held over a series of lunchtimes with 16 students playing in the opening round. The final round was held last week with Heath L and Seth S battling it out for the title of BHCS chess champion. 


Congratulations to Heath L who was declared the winner.  Well done to all students who competed and a special thanks to Jeremy D for planning and running a most successful competition.



By Kirsty Meese ( Kinder Director) 


Book Week Excursion

We began our book week celebrations by going on an excursion in our local community to Belgrave Library. It is always a highlight for the students to be able to get on the school bus and showcase their independence as they climb the bus steps by themselves, pick a seat and put on their own seat belt. Once the bus gets moving there are such delighted cries of “that’s on the way to my house”, “I’ve been there”, “That’s where we had the Kinder cinema”, “We go to that shop” as we drive the short trip to Belgrave.


We loved listening to a variety of new stories that were on the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) short list for 2023 as well as singing a selection of old and new (to us) songs. Our favourite stories from our excursion were “Snap” and “Bev and Kev”.


D.C. Tour

On Tuesday our day began with visits from some of our fabulous mystery readers. It’s a wonder to watch as the students start to piece together with staff members they have seen on our adventures around the school as they form a picture of the BHCS community.


We then went for a tour to a Discovery Centre, the students initially were a little unsure of a tour of the Discovery Centre, as we visit it every week. Little did they know that there’s a lot more to the Discovery Centre then they first thought as one student declared “We’ve never had a day like this before!” The students were privileged to go inside the DC office, where all the new books first start their life at BHCS. They were shocked and amazed to realise that behind two of the walls in the DC, there were classrooms. And that there were Lego (Robotics) classes, a Maker Space, games that could be played and that when they are in Prep they can visit the D.C. at recess, without a teacher!!


Mystery Readers

Throughout the week we have held our annual event of “Mystery Readers” when staff members from throughout BHCS are invited to join us in Kinder and read us their favourite stories. We have met Primary School Teachers, Finance Managers, Psychology Teachers, Senior School Teachers, Deputy Principals, Learning Assistants, School Principals, Administration Staff, Teachers that double up as bus drivers, Compliance Managers, Careers Advisors and Chaplains to name some of our incredibly diverse spectrum of “Mystery Readers”. It has been such a fabulous opportunity for our students to listen to such a diverse range of story books, storytelling, and teaching styles. I think Mr Lobbe demonstrating his sports whistle was a true highlight.


It is such a privilege to be part of such a fabulous community, who loves books as much as we do!