Among all the billions of people on this planet, God knows you. 


He doesn't just see you as part of a crowd; He sees you as a unique and precious individual who He loves.


In the bible, the book of Isaiah, chapter 43, verse 1, it says, "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine." This verse reminds us that God knows each one of us by name. 


Knowing your name is just a small part of it. God's knowledge goes beyond what we can even imagine; He knows the deepest parts of your heart. He knows when you're happy, sad, confused, hurting or facing hard things. He made you and he knows you inside and out.


The bible also says that He knows the amount of hairs on your head (Luke 12:7) and that His thoughts about you outnumber the sands on the earth (Psalm 139:18).


A cubic foot of sand contains a whopping 1.8 billion grains, try wrapping your head around that – God's thoughts for you are even more than all the sand on the earth! 


His thoughts for you are practically uncountable.  


The Creator of the universe has you on His mind all the time. He's not just thinking about you occasionally; or in measure of how much you think about Him, He's thinking about you more times than you could ever imagine. 


Next time you feel like you're all alone or that nobody cares, remember these verses – His love and attention goes beyond anything we could ever fully grasp.