
'In a world where you can be anything, be kind.'

                                                         National Child Protection Week  

3 – 9 September 2023


National Child Protection Week raises awareness about the community’s collective response to the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people, now and into the future. This year, National Child Protection Week will continue to champion the message ‘Every child in every community needs a fair go’ and complement it with the theme ‘Where we start matters’. Where we start as an education sector in offering children and their families support and assistance makes a significant difference to life outcomes. The theme also encourages continuous improvement, as where we start isn’t where we finish.

Our students will be completing '5 Fingers of Support'. This is a group of 5 trusted adults, chosen by the child, who they feel they could talk with about anything, no matter what it is. In the context of unsafe situations sometimes children will have to tell more than one trusted adult on their network before they are listened to, believed and assisted. 




Mrs Louise Davidge

HUB, Wellbeing & Diversity
