Religious Education 

'Religious Education enables learners to encounter God in their lives and to articulate what this means, in an environment that welcomes multicultural and multi-faith world views.'


As a school we would like to congratulate the students in Year 4 who received the Sacrament of the Eucharist last weekend. The students were prayerful and reverent representatives for our school at the Mass. The following reflections from Joey, Olga and Zayna reflect how important this Sacrament is to the students and how it makes them feel.


'It was amazing when I received the body of Christ. I went to confession before the Mass and I enjoyed it. Communion is important because we are receiving Jesus and he sacrificed his life for us. It is also important because God comes to us in the Mass and He came into the bread and he changed it. It becomes very special. I also enjoyed reading the introduction.'  Joey 3/4S


'I was excited to make my first Eucharist because it was my favourite Sacrament. It is special because it is a memorial of Jesus. The bread was sweet when I tasted it but after about five seconds it was plain and had no taste. It made me feel happy because my family came and it made me feel special.'  Olga 3/4R


'I think that it was special to me because it was my first time to receive the Eucharist. I think it is important because it means Jesus will always be with you. I know if you make wrong choices you can go to Reconciliation before Mass to talk to Father and he will bless you and say that all the things that you have done wrong are all gone.'  Zarna 3/4F

Eucharist Class 2023
Eucharist Class 2023


MsAlicia Baker

Religious Education Leader