Principal's News

'Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.'

Anne Frank

Dear Families


WOW - What a fortnight it has been! Book Week, author visit, Book Fair, 1/2 Wildlife incursion, Book Week dress up and parade, District Athletics, 3/4 Indigenous workshop, Maths incursions, Father's Day and Special Friends stall and breakfast and our School disco. No wonder we are a little tired, I'm a little tired recapping it all!


A big shout out to our staff and our parents and friends who have helped make each of these events a huge success. An extra special thank you goes to Fleur Koole and Lisa Farrelly who have put alot of effort into the planning and coordinating of these events. Our students have had an epic two weeks of learning and celebrating! 



Father's Day

To the fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, godfathers step-fathers, father figures, and fathers-to-be: we celebrate you this Sunday and thank you for the mentorship, love, and guidance you’ve provided.


Professional Learning Day - Mathematics

Today our teaching staff are learning from mathematics guru Rob Vingerhoets. Rob is an absolute expert in this field and drives the message that maths is fun and it doesn't have to hurt! He shows us how to have engaging and effective mathematics learning in every class, every day. We can't wait to share our learning with our students!  


This term our teaching staff have discussed our digital learning platform Seesaw and our commitment to providing families with insight to their child's learning. We are currently trialling one learning post per fortnight from the classroom and one post per term from the specialists. Make sure you like and comment on your child's learning, we love to see parent/carer engagement in this space!


Swimming Term 4

In Term 4 we commence swimming lessons at YAWA. These occur as two week intensive sessions for each year level, with each Wednesday as a rest day. The week's are:

  • Prep and 1/2 classes: Week 2 - 3, Monday 9th to Friday 20th October.
  • Year 3/4s: Week 4 - 5, Monday 23rd to Friday 27th October.
  • Year 5/6s: Week 7-8, Monday 13th to Friday 24th November.

Parent/Carer volunteers will be needed for swimming so keep an eye out for communication from your classroom teacher/s closer to the date. 


Mrs Catalani

We wish to congratulate Mrs Olivia Catalani on the safe arrival of baby Dominic last week. They are at home and loving spending time as a family.



This Sunday I fly to Spain with the Peninsula Primary Principal Network to embark on the Camino de Santiago, arguably the world's most famous pilgrimage. On this incredible journey we are not just walking a path; we are embracing a profound experience of personal growth, introspection, and spiritual renewal. I look forward to sharing parts of this journey with the community and it influencing and inspiring my leadership.


Whilst away, Mrs Gill Carr will be Acting Principal, supported by Mrs Lousie Davidge for the remainder of the term. See you in Term 4 Fatima family!


Go well,


Sarah McDermott
