From the Principal

Each year from September 1 to October 4, the Christian family unites for the worldwide celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home. As followers of Christ from around the globe, we share a common call to care for creation. We are co-creatures and part of all that God has made. Our wellbeing is interwoven with the wellbeing of the Earth.


We rejoice in this opportunity to safeguard our common home and all beings who share it. This year, the theme for the season is “Let justice and peace flow”. 

Dear families,


Are you excited about the upcoming school concert next Tuesday evening? Our young performers have been diligently preparing their acts and perfecting their moves to ensure a fantastic show for everyone.


Organising an event of this magnitude is no small feat. In addition to helping the students explore the world of performing arts, we've been busy rehearsing, creating costumes, securing the venue, collaborating with technicians, and managing ticket allocations. It's been a whirlwind of activity, and we've poured a lot of energy into making this event a success!


On the night of the concert, we kindly request that all students arrive at the Civic Hall  at 6:00pm. Our teachers will be there to take attendance and guide the children to their correct places. Meanwhile, parents and friends can take their seats from 6:30pm, which have been assigned, and get ready for the show, which will begin promptly at 7:00pm.


At the conclusion of the evening, we will ask one parent from each family to collect their child - we'll share each area on the night to make it as smooth as possible. This process can be a bit challenging, so your assistance in making sure everyone is accounted for will be greatly appreciated. Please note that car parking is likely to be a bit of a challenge in central Ballarat, so allowing extra time may be beneficial.


We sincerely hope that you thoroughly enjoy the school concert. Our students have been immersing themselves in the world of performing arts, and despite a few butterflies in their stomachs, they are poised to deliver a remarkable performance. To our young stars, have a blast, and rest assured that we are immensely proud of each and every one of you!

STEM Education (A message from Henry R)

We are excited to share some fantastic news with you regarding our school's latest initiative. Our learning journey is about to take a leap into the future, and we invite you to be a part of this exciting endeavor!


Drummo is embarking on a fundraising mission to acquire state-of-the-art 3D printers. These remarkable devices will open the doors for our students to unleash their boundless creativity and innovation potential.


Stay tuned for updates on our fundraising progress and the incredible projects our students will embark on with these 3D printers. We look forward to sharing this journey with you.


Thank you for your support.


“The school could use a 3D printer for art or teaching Preps and Year 1s about 3D shapes.”    ~ William 

“You could do engineering with a 3D printer!”  ~ Jack S

I would use a 3D printer for making things and to engineer.” ~  Jamie 

“A 3D printer would help me with STEM and I could make figurines.”  ~  Drew 

“3D printers could help me with art projects”  ~  Jack R


If you would like to find out more or to support the project, a Go Fund Me page has been set up to assist in bringing 3D Printing to Drummo.


Click here

Father's Day

It was great to see so many special guests come to visit last Thursday morning! I would like to make a special mention to our parent helpers who helped with our Father's Day Breakfast and Stall last week - your help is greatly appreciated and your contributions continue to make Drummo an amazing place! Please see some photos of the event in the Social Circle page.


It's always great to hear about the successes of past students and this week I'd like to share the recent achievement of Jake Abrams. Jake was a former sports captain at St Pat's Primary and has just won the League Best and Fairest aware for the BFNL. Congratulations Jake! 



We are still in term 3 which means that the winter uniform is still the expected uniform across the school. Whilst the weather is gradually on the improve, we are still having cold days. From the beginning of term 4 all students can wear shorts again (this seems to be the big ticket item at the moment!) and a friendly reminder to make sure your child has their hat ready to wear too.


To save the search, I've added again the sports uniform days below.

F/1 H SportSport  
F/1 F SportSport  
1/2 B SportSport  
1/2 L SportSport  
3/4 S   SportSport
3/4 R   SportSport
3/4 O   SportSport
5/6 W SportSport  
5/6 F Sport Sport 
5/6 J Sport Sport 


Wishing you all the very best for the week ahead.


Kind regards,

Ben Shields