Assistant Principal News

Sub School News                                                  



  Sharleen Nason

                                                                    Assistant Principal

                                                         F-2 Sub School and Specialists


Jacqui Sampson

                                                                    Assistant Principal

                                                                       3-6 Sub School


As we approach the end of another successful term, we want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we've had together. The dedication and enthusiasm of our students, teachers, and parents have made this term truly remarkable.


Welcoming Visitors to Little Learners

This term, we were honored to host three schools who came to witness the magic that happens here with our Little Learners Love Literacy. They were astounded by the passion for literacy that permeates our classrooms. Our students' love for learning and the innovative teaching methods we employ truly shone through.


Indigenous Literacy Day: A Cultural Celebration

On September 6th, we commemorated Indigenous Literacy Day with great pride. Our students engaged in a range of activities that celebrated the rich tapestry of Indigenous cultures.  he day was filled with learning, respect, and appreciation for Australia's First Nations peoples.


RUOK Day: Fostering Connections

In support of mental health awareness, we dedicated a day to RUOK Day, emphasising the importance of checking in on one another. Our students, with the guidance of our compassionate staff, participated in discussions about mental well-being and ways to support each other in times of need. It was heartwarming to see the empathy and care our students showed towards their peers.


A Fond Farewell

As we bid farewell to another term, we extend our gratitude to each member of the Banyan Fields Primary School community. Your dedication to our mission of nurturing young minds is what makes our school a beacon of excellence. We wish our  students and families all the best over the holiday period. 


Let's look forward to the adventures and discoveries that the next term will bring. Together, we will continue to create a nurturing environment where every child can thrive.