School Captain News 

SCHOOL CAPTAINS NEWS:   Welcome to our news for week 7 


This week is book week, one of the most exciting days for students at Our Lady's. We get to dress up as our favourite book character and we get to go to school feeling special and show who we really are. 


It was great to see so many students and staff dressed up today, all costumes were amazing.


Things happening in Week 8 

Lots of things on this week, what a busy time at our school.

  • The Book Fair is still on so get on into the library and buy a favorite book
  • Father’s Day breakfast on Tuesday & Wednesday mornings
  • Father’s Day Stall on Tuesday, don’t forget your $5
  • Year 4’s off to camp Wednesday & Thursday at Lyrebird Park, we hope you all have a wonderful time.
  • Meerkat Performance on Thursday
  • Prep - Year 3 Father’s Day Mass

Yard Slips

This week’s winners are: Matilda from Prep D and Manreej from 4A


Behaviour Bucks

Week 7: Winners are 3B with 45 points and 5D with 45 points also.



Pyjama Day- Wednesday the 6th of September


PYJAMA DAY!!!!!! Mia, Anokina, Sarah, Genevieve, and Manrit have been working on a really cool project over the last couple of weeks. We are extremely proud of them for taking a leadership initiative. Great job!


On Wednesday the 6th of September, the year 5 girls together with the school captains are hosting a pyjama day to raise money for young children in foster care. Children will bring a gold coin donation as well as wearing their favourite pyjamas. 

Some other things you can wear are:

  • Oodies
  • Slippers
  • Dressing gowns

This is NOT a casual clothes day but a pyjama day. 

So far $579,389 has been raised, and our goal is to raise $800 as a school. The cutest pyjamas and funniest pyjamas in each year level will have a prize. 


Respect For Others:  

Year 4 students Oliver, Fadi, Dominic, Nathaniel, and Ryan would like to inform everyone about respecting each other's cultures and people who have come from different countries to Victoria and speak other languages. 


When refugees come over, sometimes they can have a hard time getting used to living in a new country and coming to a new school, and they can come with different thoughts and opinions and because of this they sometimes get excluded. We need to understand that it is okay for others to be different. 


We should be respectful and kind to refugees and people who just moved here because they were forced to leave their country because of war and poverty and they should feel welcomed in Australia and have a right to feel safe just like we do.


Also, some refugees get made fun of because of their culture and it makes them feel sad and some refugees are excluded just because of their background and where they come from.


We should not judge people because of their background or appearance. God Created all of us in his image. We are all Humans and we should always respect each other no matter what. People don’t always know what has happened to others or their stories. We should all treat each other with high respect, no one should feel ever feel left out because of who they are or where they come from.


We should try to help each other and respect everyone so that they can have a better time living in Australia and being a part of new communities.  So let us all try our best to be kind and respectful and help each other. This is what Jesus would like us to do.