Principal's Piece 

God's Love and Care for All

Term 3, Week 7 


Dear Parents/Carers,


Book Week is one of the highlights of Our Lady’s and this year was no exception. The theme this year was Read, Grow, Inspire.  It was great to see all the effort the students and teachers have put into their costumes. The parade today was a huge success and a great way to end our celebrations for Book Week 2023. 

Next week our school's Scholastic Book fair provides an opportunity for children to purchase a book. The book fair will be open each morning from 8.30 and afterschool from 3.30. A big thank you to Mrs Watt and Mrs Ryan for their efforts in orgsanising Book Week activities and the Book Fair. 


Father's Day Breakfast:  We are approaching our final preparations for our Father’s Day Breakfast on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Doors will open at 7:45am and Dad’s will have the opportunity to visit their child's classroom from 8:30-8:50. We would prefer to eliminate collecting money at the door, so just a reminder if you haven’t paid , please send payment of  $10.00 in the envelope provided to school on Monday. 


Father's Day stall will be on Tuesday 29th August, all gifts $5.00. Please send the money with your child and it is to be given to their classroom teacher. Students will have the opportunity to purchase additional gifts on Wednesday. 


Year 4 Camp: Our very excited Year 4 students are off to Lyrebird Park next Wednesday for their overnight Camp. School camps are an opportunity for students to participate in activities that they would not normally do and develop their team building skills. These experiences also allow students the opportunity to challenge themselves and step out of their comfort zone. We hope the weather is kind and an enjoyable experience for all students and teachers.  


Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS): Monday 28 August – Friday 15 September 2023

On Monday families will be receiving an email inviting you to complete the MACSSIS parent survey. This feedback provides us with valuable information about our school. We thank parents in advance for taking the time to provide us with this feedback.  



Finally, we wish Mr McEntee safe travels as he embarks on a faith filled pilgrimage journey to Israel. He will be visiting the birthplace of Jesus and exploring many historical Christian sites. We look forward to hearing about his experiences and learnings when he returns next term. 



Take care


Cinzia Mancuso

Acting Principal