Sports News

Mr Kristian Gropel

Report from Health & PE Coordinator

Kristian Gropel


Kingston Athletics

We sent 42 students to the Kingston Athletics on the 24th of August to compete against some of the top athletes in our district, and in the state. Spirits were high as Westall SC valiantly contested against the fierce competition opposing them. By the end of the day, we had emerged with 4 champions from our school with all victors competing in the same event, Discus. We extend a massive congratulations to the following winners who will continue their journey to the South Metropolitan Sports Region Athletics Competition happening on the 5th of October, Danny Troung, Vaine-Nootai (Vaine) Tekopua, Israel Moeroa, and Ngatungane (Nane) Moeroa. Keep posted to find out how they go in the next round.

Term 3 Weekly Sport 

Basketball and Futsal - These were the sports chosen by our year 7’s and 8’s to battle against the schools of the Kingston division. After several weeks of intense training led by our coaches, it was time to put our skills to the test. Week by week we sent our students to various schools and locations for their competitions, with some staying behind to gain home field advantage. 


It was a tough competition for our basketball teams who tried their best but ultimately came short throughout the term. We did however find some success for our Year 7 Futsal team who managed to win quite a few games. Despite their tremendous efforts they couldn’t manage to reach the finals, but they made a statement and will be a team to fear come next year.

We would like to thank all those who helped us throughout this term to make the Weekly Interschool Sport a highly anticipated and successful event.


Year 8  Students Shine at the Interschool Table Tennis Tournament

We are thrilled to share some exciting news from our school's sports front! Our Year 8 students exhibited their talent and sportsmanship at the recent Interschool Table Tennis Tournament held on the 18th of August. It was a day filled with fierce competition and impressive performances, and we couldn't be prouder of our young athletes.


Our Year 8 Girls A Team has not only demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship but has also emerged as champions, winning the tournament in a spectacular fashion! This remarkable victory has earned them a spot in the upcoming regional competition.


Congratulations Sophia H, Maika L, Alissha B and Jade P!

Ms Miranda Jenkins

PE Teacher