Junior School Report

Mr Kristian Gropel

Message from the

Director of Learning -  Junior School

Mr Kristian Gropel

Term 3 has flown by for the Year 7 and 8 students. There have been some exciting events and programs, including ‘The Hurting Game’, a funny and engaging theatre production that provided strategies for resilience, help-seeking, online safety and positive relationships. Students have also completed their course selection for 2023, including course counselling interviews, to ensure their selections will hold them in great stead for the years to come. 


Progress reports are available on Compass. The focus of the progress reports is on the students learning behaviours, including their effort, behaviour, using class time effectively and meeting deadlines. Please take the time to discuss your child’s progress report with them; what are they doing well, and what are the key areas for improvement? It was great to see many parents and guardians at the Parent Teacher Interviews on Tuesday 12th of September. A three-way partnership (student-parent-teacher) can help to bring out the best possible outcomes for your child.


Have a safe and relaxing holiday and I look forward to what will be a jam-packed Term 4!

Upcoming events in Term 4:

  • Year 7 Welcome Night Night: We are looking forward to welcoming all new Year 7 at our Welcome Night on Thursday 17 November 2022 from 6.00pm in the Balook building. 
  • Future Year 7 Orientation Day will take place in early December. I would like to extend a warm welcome to the new students and parents of the college, and we look forward to making the transition for your son/daughter a positive and supportive experience. 
  • Headstart will begin in Week 9. Year 7 students will transition into their new Year 8 timetable and Year 8s into their Year 9 timetable for 2023, commencing their first electives. Please make sure students have new exercise books so they can make an organised start to the 2023 year! 

Year 7 Gymnastics Excursion to Bounce: A Success!

We're excited to share that our Year 7 students recently enjoyed a fantastic day at Bounce, where they had a blast while improving their gymnastics skills. They received expert coaching, worked as a team, and had loads of fun while staying safe. The excursion was a hit, and we're proud of the growth and experiences our students gained. Thanks to our dedicated teaching staff, led by Kristian, for making it happen! If you have any questions or want to hear more about your child's experience, please reach out. We appreciate your support in providing a well-rounded education for our students.

Mr Kristen Gropel

Director of Learning Junior School

Maths Micro-Mathematics Incursion

On Tuesday 5th of September, we were very lucky to have two Mathematicians (Cindy Huang & Dominic Maderazo) from University of Melbourne to run two incursions for us! The first incursion was based on fractal geometry. (Read about the second in the Middle School report.) The year 8 students and 2 Westall primary students in Mr Dean Goulimis' class delved into how we think about dimensions, shapes, areas and volumes. Students then had the opportunity to be the first school to build a lego fractal Sierpinski model as a class with over a thousand blocks! 

Ms Loan Luong Nguyen

STEM Teacher

Year 8  Students Shine at the Interschool Table Tennis Tournament

We are thrilled to share some exciting news from our school's sports front! Our Year 8 students exhibited their talent and sportsmanship at the recent Interschool Table Tennis Tournament held on the 18th of August. It was a day filled with fierce competition and impressive performances, and we couldn't be prouder of our young athletes.


Our Year 8 Girls A Team has not only demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship but has also emerged as champions, winning the tournament in a spectacular fashion! This remarkable victory has earned them a spot in the upcoming regional competition.


Congratulations Sophia H, Maika L, Alissha B and Jade P!

Ms Miranda Jenkins

PE Teacher

Discovering the Art of Chinese Calligraphy 

The Brush Meets the Ink: A Journey into Chinese Calligraphy


Chinese calligraphy, often regarded as a form of visual art and a means of self-expression, has a history that spans thousands of years. It's an art form that combines brushwork, ink, and paper to create intricate and visually stunning characters. Students in Year 7 and Year 8 have been fortunate to delve into the enchanting world of Chinese calligraphy under the guidance of our dedicated art teachers.


The Art of Brushstrokes and Characters


In this fascinating journey, students have learned the basics of Chinese calligraphy, starting with the essential tools: brushes, ink, inkstone, and rice paper. They have been practicing the art of holding the brush just right, controlling the flow of ink, and mastering the delicate balance between pressure and precision. These skills are not only essential for creating beautiful characters but also help develop patience, focus, and discipline.


A Showcase of Talent and Dedication


We are proud to announce that our Year 7 and Year 8 students will have the opportunity to showcase their newfound calligraphy skills in an upcoming exhibition. This event will not only celebrate their hard work but also provide an opportunity for the entire school community to appreciate the beauty of Chinese calligraphy.


Looking Ahead


As our students continue their journey in the world of Chinese calligraphy, we encourage them to embrace the rich cultural aspects of this art form, seek inspiration from renowned calligraphers, and continue to develop their own unique style. We are excited to witness their growth and creativity in the coming months.

Mr. Jeffrey Ji

Chinese Domain Leader