Senior School Report

Ms Anna Papagiannopoulos

Message from the 

Director of  Learning - Senior School

Anna Papagiannopoulos

Almost there! As we approach the end of Term 3, the Senior School is ramping up to our busiest time of year. There are lots of events and key dates to keep in mind as we head into the holidays and into Term 4. Yishu Arts Festival - The Arts and LOTE departments have organised an incredible week of activities. I encourage all Senior Students to participate in what is going to be a very fun week!

For Year 12s, the final day of school (Friday 15th September) will be a free dress day and will also include a colour run as a special treat for their final year.


An assembly will also take place on Monday 11th September during Period 4, where our students will showcase their incredible talents in front of their school community.


Year 12 Formal

A rite of passage for our students, the Year 12 Formal is a great opportunity to have some fun and celebrate finishing twelve years of schooling right before the exam season! The Westall Secondary College Year 12 Formal will take place on Monday 18th of September at Merrimu Receptions in Murrumbeena. It will begin at 6:30pm and end at 10:30pm and the theme is The Great Gatsby Masquerade! We can’t wait to see the students dressed to the nines and ready for a night to remember! This is a ticketed event.

Year 12 Trial Exams

Trial exams are an excellent way for students to get some feedback and experience before sitting their actual exams in October and November. This year, Year 12 Trial Exams will take place on the second week of the school holidays, beginning on Monday 25th of September with the English Trial Exam at 9am. Students would do well to attend as this would give them a leg-up on their preparations for the final examinations. Students must be in full school uniform and bring all relevant materials with them, including:

  • Calculators
  • Pens and pencils
  • Highlighters and rulers
  • A dictionary (if relevant)
  • A bound reference (if relevant)
  • Their Student ID cards

A timetable for the trial exams will be posted in the final week of Term 3. Year 11s completing a Unit 3&4 subject are also encouraged to attend. 


Year 12 Final Day Celebrations

Our Year 12 students finish on Wednesday 18th of October. To celebrate this momentous achievement, the student leaders are organising a whole-school assembly on the day to give everyone a proper send-off. Family members and friends are encouraged to attend. The time of the assembly will be posted to Compass next term. The Year 12 students will also receive a catered lunch on the day. Let’s celebrate the Class of 2023!


Year 12 End-of-Year Exams

Year 12 teachers will have started, or will be starting, to prepare their students for the end-of-year exams, which begin on Tuesday 24th October at 9am with the English and EAL exams.


Students should take every opportunity to bolster their preparation for the exams by:-

  • Attending teacher-led exam revision sessions on the holidays (if offered).-
  • Attending external exam preparation seminars offered by universities and private companies. - Some of these may require a payment. Students are informed of these via Teams – they should speak to Senior School staff if they are confused.-
  • Creating study groups with peers.-
  • Creating an exam study timetable that also makes time for rest and relaxation.


Parents/Guardians can support their child by:-

  • Prompting them to attend revision and preparation sessions.-
  • Asking to see an exam timetable and perhaps prompting its creation.
  • Providing their child with a dedicated study space at home, free from distractions, or access to an external space (such as a local library).-
  • Encouraging and supporting their child to take time off part-time jobs.
  • Offering words of encouragement and support.
  • Reminding students to take time to rest and relax so that they are taking care of their mental health during this stressful time.

Thank you for your continued support of our senior students!


Ms Anna Papagiannopoulos

Director of Learning – Senior Sub-School

Year 12 Chemistry Excursion to VSSEC:

During Term 3, Year 12 Chemistry class went on an excursion with Ms Buyya to the Victorian Space Science Education Centre (VSSEC) for the Medicinal Chemistry program. 


Shad a We had a chance to supplement our knowledge of chemical analysis. A wide array of instruments and techniques such as IR Spectroscopy, UV-Vis Spectroscopy and HPLC were used to analyse a sample of aspirin. 


We were able to calculate the concentration of the pure chemical aspirin within commercial tablets we get at the chemist! Overall, it was a fun experience and at the same time we gained a much more comprehensive understanding of the fascinating world of analytical chemistry!!!

Year 12 Chemistry Students & Ms Buyya 

Year 12 Chemistry Teacher

World Skills Expo

As part of Work Related Skills, Year 11 Vocational Major students recently visited the World Skills Expo at Jeff’s Shed otherwise known as the Melbourne Convention Centre. Students were able to see a very comprehensive view of  a vast range of trades and occupations, including apprentices competing against each other as part of the Australian National Championships.

Mr Gary Bottomley 

VM Teacher

Fare Share Year 12 Excursion 

The Year 12 Work Related Skills class went to Fare Share to lend a hand with their program. It was a great success as they created over 300 meals for the public!


Ms Donna Yuan  & Mr Gary Bottomley

VM Teachers 

Lunch With The Winners

On the 5th of September, the year 12 Business students were provided with the opportunity to attend “Lunch With The Winners”, held at the Springvale Town Hall. Marcus Barber, a professional future strategist, discussed the topic of "Future Directions in Manufacturing." With 20 years of experience in various companies and organizations, Barber's discussion on future directions in manufacturing sparked intriguing questions and encouraged students to consider their impact on the world and the opportunities for change. 


One question that Barber proposed was, "What is the most important job?" Common answers from students included engineers, teachers, and doctors. However, Barber emphasized the idea that the most important job is actually "You," referring to each individual and their role in shaping the future. During the discussion on future directions in manufacturing, the students were fortunate to also hear from a manager at Bosch, who shared his experiences working in the company.


The manager discussed the focus that Bosch places on developing its corporate culture and workforce, highlighting the importance of creating a positive and collaborative work environment. The manager also gave insights into the future of Bosch, particularly the company's involvement in automotive production. This provided valuable information for students interested in job opportunities at Bosch.  Furthermore, the manager informed the students about the opportunity for Westall to tour Bosch's manufacturing facility in Clayton, allowing students to gain practical knowledge about the company's operations. 


The Year 12 Business students would like to express our gratitude towards Miss Geraldine for providing us with a "one in a lifetime" opportunity. We would also like to thank Sellen for sponsoring Westall Secondary and for financially contributing to our lunch. It's a great honour to have both supporting the school and the students.


Arnav Rathore 

Year 12 Student