Assistant Principal (Years 7-9) Report 

Ms Alice Paget

Report from Assistant Principal Alice Paget


Dear Westall SC community,


Well, Term 3 has flown by and we are just starting to see some lovely Spring weather creeping in, just in time for the holiday period. 

I would like to highlight some of the amazing work that has been happening in some of the iCreate subjects during Term 3:

  • Outdoor education: Students have been focussing on the hours for their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze certificate. Specifically, they have been focusing on their physical recreation and logging their hours for skills (practicing skills from origami and croquet to reading to German). They have also been busy preparing for their camp in November! 
  • Sport: Year 12 VET Sport and recreation students have been planning and delivering coaching sessions to the iCreate Sport sessions for Netball and Basketball. A great opportunity for leadership in our school and learning of each other. 
  • Metaverse: Students have been looking at film and how it’s made, including the purpose and filming techniques. The knowledge they have discovered and built will help them to bring these skills into their social media posts in Term 4. Watch this space!
  • Master the Westall Café: Student voice has driven the Café menu this Term, including menu items like Chop Suey and Milk Tea. There has been an array of delicacies each week in the Café for the staff and students to enjoy!

Our iCreate Program, that runs every Wednesday afternoon, provides students with an opportunity to connect with their school community on an area of passion or interest they wish to explore further. Stay tuned in the next newsletter to hear more detail about the other iCreates. Below are some pictures of the students. 

Curriculum Day (Term 3):

On the 11th August we had a Student Free Day where staff had a focus on their own Wellbeing. There has been a great focus on student mental health and wellbeing at Westall and we endeavour to make this a priority for staff at the College as well. 


On the Curriculum Day we invited a guest speaker, Dale Sidebottom, to run a workshop with the staff on the benefits that ‘adult play’ can have on mental health and wellbeing. One of the key takeaway that we had was around what Dale referred to as a ‘PAL moment’. This tool provided someone close to you with a boost for their own mental health and wellbeing. I encourage you all to have a think of a close family, friend or colleague, then identify something you are Proud of, something you Admire and Love about them. Perhaps you might just like to write it down, or even send them a message. This could make someone else’s day, as well as perhaps give you a boost too. 


Following is a picture  of the staff in action during their afternoon session of mindful rock-painting and wellness. 


Upcoming events in Term 4:

  • Year 7 Welcome Night (Year 7s of 2024): We are looking forward to welcoming all new Year 7 at our Welcome Night on Tuesday 21st November 2023 from 6.00pm- 7.00pm in the Balook building. 
  • Future Year 7 Orientation Day will take place on the 12th December. I would like to extend a warm welcome to the new students and parents of the college and we look forward to making the transition for your son, daughter or young person a positive and supportive experience. 

Headstart 2024:

Our Headstart Program provides students with an opportunity to commence their new subjects for 2024. Please keep in mind the below dates:

Week DatesHeadstart Year Levels
927/11-1/122024 classesCurrent Year 7-11
104/12-8/122024 classesCurrent Year 7-9

Personal Development Workshops


Current Year 7-9
1218/12-19/12ActivitiesCurrent Year 7-9

Last day of school for Year 10s and Year 11s is the 1st December 2023.


Last day of school for Year 7s-Year 9s is the 19th December 2023, however academic classes will finish on the 15th December, followed by 4 days of activities. 


Alice Paget

Assistant Principal (Years 7-9)