Assistant Principal (Years 10-12) Report 

Mr Jason Tickner

Report from Assistant Principal Jason Tickner

Term 3 Progress Reports and Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews


Progress reports are available for viewing from Friday, 8th September in Compass. Progress reports provide feedback on how your child’s learning behaviour across all subjects. Please take the time to discuss this information with your child, including areas of celebration, and/or areas of possible improvement. This conversation is a critical component of fostering the relationship between home, school and your child’s learning. Compass notifications already on Compass provide information on the purpose and structure of progress reports, and a parent guide for how to access your child’s report via Compass. 


7-10 Parent-Teacher Conferences will run on Tuesday, 12th September


Conferences will run from 12:30pm until 4:30pm. Please be aware that a modified timetable will run on this day with classes shortened to 40mins and the day concluding at 12:10pm. Parents can book interview times with teachers on Compass. Once again, Compass notifications have information, and a guide on how to book an interview. Like our Semester 1 Parent-Teacher conferences, parents will have the option of attending interviews online, or in person here at school. To attend online we will once again be using Teams, and your child’s laptop as the channel of communication. If you are attending in person here at school, please enter via the main reception, and a staff member will direct you to where you need to go. Please come prepared with the times of interviews and the staff members that you have booked in with via Compass. You will not be able to see teachers if you have not booked a time.


VCE Exam Revision

VCE students who are planning to sit end of year exams will be required to complete trial exams in the second week of the holiday period. These trial exams will provide students with an opportunity to test their knowledge and skills across the study design in each of their subjects. More broadly, the experience will give our students an opportunity to hone their time management, and coping skills under exam conditions. Parents should encourage and assist their child to attend these exams.


To support and assist our VCE students sitting VCAA exams there are several external revision seminars, which can support exam preparation. Some of these programs are free of charge and others charge a fee. In recent years, we have had a number of students complete the Skyline series VCE workshops. The links below will take students to some of the more popular VCE examination seminars.


Summer Uniform

Term 4 also marks the changeover to summer uniform. Students and families are reminded that all students should be in full summer uniform on the first day of Term 4. This means, summer dress for girls, no tights or stockings. If you are unsure on what to wear please check summer uniform requirements on our website Students participating in PE and sports classes are expected to wear a school cap when outside. 


Jason Tickner 

Assistant Principal (Years 10-12)