Wellbeing and Pastoral 

Trish Star

Friday August 18 is the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. The theme for 2023 is Growing connections. This is in acknowledgement of the importance of school, family and community connections in building safe and supportive learning environments where all students can belong, feel accepted and respected.


Together we can make change and everyone has a role to play for bullying prevention.

Bullying can be in person or online - it is repeated, deliberate and causes ongoing physical, social and/or psychological harm. No one deserves to be bullied or hurt and the message to our students is “treat others how you would like to be treated - with kindness and respect”. It is important students speak up if they experience bullying or see bullying.


Students in years 7-9 will have engaged in some activities during their Academic Pastoral Care time on Friday designed to educate and inform them around the issue of bullying and steps they can take. 


If you have concerns that your child is being bullied I would encourage you to reach out to their Pastoral Leader.


Some useful resources for parents and families if you have concerns around bullying or wish to open that conversation:


ReachOut Resources


Need help now?

Someone to talk to now for children and young people


If you want to talk to someone about what's happening, you can contact the providers below.

Trish Star

Leader of Wellbeing and Pastoral Care