College Chaplain

Dear Friends,
As we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary this year (15th of August), it will be good to retaliate that we Catholics honour Mary, venerate her, express our love for her and never worship her.
The question then may be asked; Why do we honour Mary:
- Mary herself gives the most crucial reason in her "Magnificat:" "All generations (ages) will call me blessed because the "Almighty One has done great things for me, Holy is His Name".
What are those things the Almighty did for Her?
- The Almighty God chose Mary as the Mother of Jesus. This task is not easy because it has several implications for Mary and the Child Jesus. Perhaps, that was why Simeon said, "Behold, this Child is appointed to cause the rise and fall of many in Israel and to be a sign that will be spoken against so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed— and a sword will pierce your soul as well."
- The Almighty filled Mary with His Holy Spirit twice at the Annunciation and Pentecost.
- The Almighty made her "full of grace," the paragon or embodiment of all virtues.
- In our redemption, the Almighty allowed her to become the most active participant with Christ, her Son, by suffering in mind and heart what Jesus suffered in body.
- Mary is our heavenly Mother. Jesus gave us His Mother as Our Mother from the cross: "Woman, behold your son."… "Behold your mother" (John 19: 26-27). She became Our Mother and Mother of the Church.
- Mary is the supreme model of all virtues, especially holiness of life ("full of grace"), obedience to the will of God ("fiat") and true humility ("Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me as you wish").
Reasons why we believe in the dogma of Assumption:
In the papal document, Munificentimus Deus, Pope Pius XII gives four reasons why we believe in the dogma of the Assumption of Mary.
1) The uninterrupted tradition about Mary's death and Assumption starting from the first century.
2) The belief expressed in all the ancient liturgies of the Church.
3) The negative evidence of the absence and veneration of a tomb of Mary while most of the apostles have their tombs.
4) The possibility of bodily Assumption warranted in the Old Testament in the cases of Enoch (Gen. 5:24), Moses (Deut. 34:5), and especially Elijah (II Kg. 2:1).
5) The theological reasons:
a) The degeneration of the body after death is the consequence of "original sin," and Mary, as "immaculately conceived," is exempted from the post-mortem decay of the body.
b) As receiver of the fullness of grace and holiness, as Mother of Jesus and co-redeemer, Mary's place is with her son Jesus, the redeemer, in the abode of holiness, heaven. (Just like every child who loves his/ her Mother, you would want her to enjoy the beautiful things that you possess)
Takeaway messages:
1) As Mary's Assumption was a reward for a holy life, this feast invites us to keep our bodies pure and holy. Paul gives three additional reasons:
a) our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit,
b) our body parts are the members of Christ's body, and
c) our bodies are to be glorified on the day of the Last Judgment.
2) From Mary's Assumption, we are assured hope in our resurrection and a source of inspiration during moments of despair and temptations.
Fr Cyprian