Deputy News
“There are many little ways to enlarge your world.
Love of books is the best of all.” – Jacqueline Kennedy
Deputy News
“There are many little ways to enlarge your world.
Love of books is the best of all.” – Jacqueline Kennedy
Dear Parents and families,
It has been another wonderful fortnight at Sacred Heart where we have just gone up another level, incorporating our rigorous, explicit academic program with a variety of extra curricular actvities. It was extra special watching all the book characters come through the gate this week. A highlight for me is our annual Book week parade, a huge thak you to all the parents for making the costumes happen. The theme for Book Week this year was Read, Inspire Grow.We had a wonderful dress up day and Book Parade last Wednesday.
Book Week 18th-24th August
A huge thanks to Kate Stroud for organising the parade and prizes. We had some lucky students who will be reading one of the shortlisted books, Bev & Kev or Runt. Congratulations to our winners of the best costume award. Our wonderful library capatains chose our winners and helped to choose the best colouring competitions that were awarded in assembly today.
During Book Week we also had a class competition for the most inspiring door display depicting a book or book theme. The teachers and students blew me away with their creativity, incorporating one of the shortlisted books or class novels. It has certainly brightened up our corridor. Congratulations to 2P and Miss Prosser for being the deserving winner. The rest of the doors were pretty amazing too, depicting many of the shortlisted books and class novels. It is also wonderful to see how much reading is valued in our community with our home competition being very popular too, thanks to those students that entered and welcomed us into your reading passions and interests and shared your favourite books.
On the 8th of September at 2pm we will have a Book week Performance “Way too Cool” by Perform Education. This whole school incursion which will incorporate many of the shortlisted books in a performance about Friendship. A highly interactive musical adventure that explores situations every audience member, regardless of their age or background, will be able to relate to. At its heart WAY TOO COOL! is a celebration of the way books and the 2023 CBCA Shortlist can inspire every individual on their journey of personal growth and development. It is also a journey that leads your students, with the characters, through the twists and turns of friendship and mapping out a way to solve their differences using empathy, kindness and a strong sense of humour.
Peter Pan
Our school production is only weeks away now and it's getting very exciting! The performances will be on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th of September at St Bede's. Please refer to the details on Operoo regarding dress rehearsals and late starting time on Thursday 14th of September. Tickets have gone on sale. Thank you to our amazing class costume co-ordinators. Costumes are due next Tuesday or Wednesday (depending on the day of their music lesson) in a named bag. The costumes will remain at school for a few weeks. Please ensure all school uniform is named too, even down to socks as we will have lots of dress rehearsals over the next few weeks. Our staff are certainly dedicated as they spent last Wednesday after a day of Book Week celebrations making and creating our set and props for Peter Pan.
Next Thursday will be our Father's Day stall, please ensure your child comes along with some money if they'd like to buy a gift for Dad. Thanks to our wonderful P & F especially Nat Mc Cabe and Marielle Denton for co-ordinating this event.
Next Friday we welcome all the dad's, grandfathers and special friends to come along for a cuppa before assembly and then sit back and enjoy our Friday morning assembly at 9am followed by a visit to the classrooms.
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the sunshine,
Brigid Pennington
Deputy Principal, Learning Diversity Leader and 3-6 Literacy Leader