Performing Arts

Music Matters

As our year winds up, the Performing Arts staff and students are providing music until the very end!


Year 6 Graduation celebration: Congratulations and a very special thank you to our Junior Chorale, accompanied by Mrs Stephanie Gan and Mr Ryan Balboa, who sang so angelically at the Year 6 Graduation celebration on Monday. I’ve received many compliments on the magnificent quality of the singing and how it induced quite an emotional reaction from the audience. Bravo boys!


Collection of instruments for servicing: Please ask your son to return his hired instrument either directly to his tutor or ensemble director after his last lesson or rehearsal. Instruments can also be left at school reception or Music office but must be marked off. Thank you to those students who have already returned their instruments. 


Final rehearsals: 

Senior Jazz Band rehearsal change: all students in the Senior Jazz Ensemble are performing at the Academic Awards Presentation on Tuesday 5 December. Please note that you will be leaving on a school bus, driven by Mr Brannan, at 8:00 am and travel to Oxford Falls for your final rehearsal with Mr Power before the commencement of the awards ceremony at 10:15 am. Please note, students are to wear full Winter uniform. 


‘Road to Bethlehem’ liturgy rehearsals: A reminder for Junior and Senior Chorale and drummers that our rehearsals for Monday’s ‘Road to Bethlehem’ liturgy are as follows:

  • Thursday lunchtime: Drummers only – Band Room
  • Thursday 3:30 pm - 4:40 pm: Singers and drummers – Chatswood campus - outside
  • Friday 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm: Singers and drummers – Chatswood campus - outside
  • Monday 9:00 am: Singers and drummers – Chatswood campus - outside

2024 news

Live Production (Entertainment) Crew: In exciting news, we are going to be forming a Live Production Crew as a part of our growing Performing Arts Ensemble Program in 2024. This is for students who are interested in the behind-the-scenes aspect of event planning and production, including lighting and sound operation as well as stage management. This will take place one afternoon per week, where these students will receive training in the use of industry-standard equipment (including lighting and audio consoles). Students will have the opportunity to gain experience in these fields throughout the year at a variety of school concerts and events. This crew will be made up of students in Years 7 – 12 in 2024, (you will even receive a special t-shirt!) and anyone interested should see Mr Brendan Jones in the Music Staff Room for more details. 


A date for your diary: Next year will see the return of the Performing Arts Information Evening on Monday 12 February, at 6:00 pm in the Band Room. This night will give you an opportunity to find out anything and everything regarding the Performing Arts at the College, including how to apply for ensembles, instrument hire and private tuition using our new system. You will also have the opportunity to meet some of our Performing Arts team. This will then be followed by the Performing Arts Parents’ Association (PAPA) AGM. Please bring a plate if possible and become part of our enthusiastic Performing Arts community. We hope to see you there!


Upcoming Performing Arts dates:

  • Week 8 - Thursday 30 November - Road to Bethlehem Liturgy rehearsal 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm school grounds (Senior and Junior Chorales and drummers)
  • Week 9 – Monday 4 December - Road to Bethlehem Liturgy (Senior and Junior Chorales and drummers) 
  • Week 9 - Tuesday 5 December - Annual Awards Ceremony (Senior Jazz Ensemble) Oxford Falls campus

Mrs Annabel Westhoff - Performing Arts Coordinator 


Year 7 assessments

Captivating Advertisements: Unleashing Creativity and Persuasion

The talented students in Year 7 have created captivating advertisements that showcase their creativity and persuasive skills. Working in groups, they were tasked with crafting 1-2 minute ads for a product, either real or imaginary, aiming to persuade viewers to make a purchase using dramatic techniques and persuasive strategies. Students incorporated persuasive language techniques like slogans, jingles, repetition, and rhetorical questions to make their ads more compelling. Some groups even included interviews with experts or authority figures, lending credibility to their product. The creativity and dedication shown by our students is commendable. Their ability to effectively use dramatic techniques and persuasive strategies is a testament to their talent and potential.

Ms Penny Lindley - Drama Coordinator