Parent & Student Matters 

  • Medal-winning Readers
  • Textbooks for 2024
  • History

Medal-winning Readers

Each and every year students from Years 3 to Year 9 across NSW attempt to read 20 books as part of the Premier's Reading Challenge.  Of the million students who start the challenge each year less than 1% complete it. Of this small percentage, 6 are St Pius X students who have been awarded the prestigious Premier’s Reading Challenge Medal for completing the challenge every year from Year 3 to Year 9. 

Mr Ronchetti, awarded the boys with their medals this week. Pictured are Reilly Bois, Jake Dyson, Angus Gibson, and Joshua Paul (Liam Godfrey and Logan Bois in absentia).

I would like to thank the boys’ teams (teachers, parents, grandparents, and siblings...) for their support and encouragement of their reading over the years. This encouragement and the value placed on reading is evident in this level of effort and commitment to reading achievement. 

Mrs Karen Keighery - Library and Information Services Coordinator

Textbooks for 2024

Information regarding the purchase of textbooks for students for 2024 is now available and will be emailed to parents. This information is for students who will be in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in 2024.  

The following attachments are documents containing details of the curriculum and textbook requirements.

If you have any queries, please contact Mr Alex Damo or the relevant Studies Coordinators as advised in the first document.

Mr Alex Damo - Assistant Principal, Teaching and Learning


There are a number of great historical books that have just come on sale. Some of these could be Christmas gift presents or even requests!

The Rest is History is a very popular and highly recommended podcast run by two English historians Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook. They have even done a stage show in Sydney this week where incredible tales of the past were told. In this readable book they look at some of the most curious events and people in history.

Emperor of Rome by the highly regarded Mary Beard is her latest book about the leaders of ancient Roman.

The Last Charge of the Australian Light Horse is centred on the World War One Battle of Beersheba. Peter Fitzsimons, the best selling writer of history books, tells the story of Australia’s remarkable feats in the desert conflicts.

Flinders by Grantlee Kieza is the tale of Matthew Flinders who loved the sea and was the first to circumnavigate the Australian continent.

These and many other historical books are on sale now at all good bookstores. Of course, you do not always have to pay to read a tremendous tale of history. There are many different types of books about history in our own Senior Resources Centre and your own local library which can be borrowed. Browse the shelves or ask a librarian for help.

Finally, historical films have made a huge impact on the study of history in recent years. Why not check out Ridley Scott’s Napoleon these holidays or keep your eye out for history series and films on free to air or pay television.

Mr Pat Rodgers - History/Legal Studies Coordinator