Student Voice

  • Introducing your Student Leadership Team for 2024 
  • Mo-gress
  • Class of 2024 final classes for the year
  • Beach buddies bushwalk
  • Student Submissions for Woodchatta

Introducing your Student Leadership for 2024

This week: The Wellbeing Prefects


Name: Thomas McElvogue

Year Started at Pius: Year 5, 2017. Class of Mr Patterson

Height: 5’6 (Trust me)

Favourite subject/s: Modern History and Economics

Favourite sport: Basketball (Up the mighty 5ths)

Favourite Food: Anything my mum makes.

Favourite film: Monty Python and the Holy Grail


Name: Chris Mander

Year Started at Pius: Year 6, 2018. Class of Mrs Iwatani

Height: 6’4

Favourite subject/s: Economics and English

Pets: Fredalicious (dog) and Ivy (cat)

Favourite sport: Hobby horsing


Name: Patrick Frost

Year Started at Pius: Year 5, 2017. Class of Ms Williams

Height: 6ft and humble

Favourite subject/s: Math and study periods

Favourite sport: Pickleball

Favourite Food: The old canteen cheese and bacon roll

Favourite film: Surf's Up


Asher’s moustache is looking mighty majestic going into the final week of Movember!

Week 8:

Class of 2024 Final Classes for the Year

This week, as Year 11 head into school study or the snowy hike, they have concluded classes for the term. It will be a long break of note-taking and beach breaking for all students before returning next year.  We wish them all the best of luck.

Buddy Bushwalk

Last Friday, students who are part of the buddy program had the opportunity to go to Dee Why beach. Senior mentors and Junior buddies were able to walk along the beach, play ball games and connect throughout the afternoon. We are thankful for Mr Brannan, Mr Russo, Mr Ticli and Ms Proc who supervised us and made this event possible. 

Student Submissions 

When we conceived the idea of a Student Voice page our primary focus was on allowing our fellow students to showcase and share their word. In this regard, we have created a ‘Student Submissions’ form, so if you wish to showcase your work in relation to the school and our greater community please find the link below:


“Fide et Labore”

2024 Student Leadership Team