From the Principal

  • Reflection
  • Blessed Edmund Rice Icon
  • Season of Advent
  • Gratitude to a true gentleman
  • Farewell and thank you
  • Acting Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care and Wellbeing
  • 2024 PDHPE Coordinator
  • 2024 Pastoral Leaders
  • 2024 Junior Sport Coordinator
  • Movember
  • Keep our young men in your prayers
  • Annual Awards Presentation - Tuesday 5 December
  • Year 6 Graduation Liturgy - A rite of passage
  • Commencement Dates for 2024 
  • End of Year Dates


A Liberating Education 

One of the Touchstones of a Catholic Education in the Edmund Rice Tradition.


The Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition has four Touchstones for authenticity: 

Liberating Education 

Gospel Spirituality

Inclusive Community 

Justice and Solidarity 


The Touchstone of Liberating Education rests in an understanding of liberation: our own and that of the other.  This understanding will result in a continuous movement towards removing oppression and the building of a society where justice and peace are central for all. As educators we strive to educate in a way that builds awareness and skills with which our students critique and build a better world for all. 

Equally, we acknowledge that some of our students face marginalisation and poverty within our own communities. We aim to liberate them by providing an education which supports them to see and achieve beyond this oppression. 

In understanding this, we look for liberation in our foundational stories. We aim to bring a notion of liberation into reality. We challenge schools to be liberating. We engage with curricular and pedagogy that equips students to be more self-aware, skilled in critical thinking and willing and able to take their place in society as agents of change. 

 In all of this we know that our own liberation and that of  others are intricately linked. 


 We open hearts and minds, through quality teaching and 

learning experiences so that through critical  reflection 

and engagement each person is hope-filled and 

free to build a better world for all. 

Edmund Rice was inspired by the Gospel of Jesus the liberator. He opened his whole heart to Christ present and appealing to him in the poor. He saw education as the way to liberate young people from the challenges of society.  A liberating education offers hope. It helps young people see how they can be a difference in this world and gives them the skills and mindsets to do so.


When we engage in liberating education, 


we open our hearts and minds

  • to see that liberation of self leads us to be fully human and aware of the dignity of the other
  • to broaden horizons and release imagination about our own potential and that of others
  • to deeply listen to and be present to those who are made poor and who suffer oppression while critiquing the reasons for that poverty and oppression

through quality teaching and learning experiences

  • providing an education that is challenging, holistic and relevant 
  • catering for the needs of students of all abilities or interests 
  • giving all a chance to succeed 

so that through critical reflection and engagement 

  • inviting students to grow in self-understanding 
  • empowering them to question, analyse and critique 
  • encouraging appropriate engagement in service, advocacy and action 

each person is hope-filled and free 

  • realising that there is always hope for a better future 
  • recognising the power each has as an agent of change 
  • seeing the potential and opportunity that each situation brings 

to build a better world for all 

  • denouncing structures that undermine empowerment, dignity and meaning 
  • creating space for new insights and ideas about a just and peacefilled world 
  • being co-creators of the kingdom of God where love and acceptance are universal

I see no value in a centre of learning which churns out numberless school leavers each year and is passively part of a society torn apart by division, race and partisan politics …Our schools exist to challenge popular beliefs and dominant cultural values, to ask the difficult questions, to look at life from the standpoint of the minority, the victim, the outcast and the stranger. 

Br Philip Pinto – former Congregational Leader

Blessed Edmund Rice Icon

I hope that over the course of the year, you have been able to learn more about the Edmund Rice icon.  It has so much meaning that enriches the story of Blessed Edmund Rice and hopefully guides our young men as they journey in the footsteps of Edmund.

This icon was design and constructed by the Irish artist, Desmond M Kyne, who also provided the detailed narratives.


The Lamb of God

The Lamb of God, placed in opposition to the serpent, close to the well of living water, the fire of love alight in the halo - an image of immense serenity, sacrificial innocence, suffering and hope.


Blessed Edmund Rice saying:

‘Give to the poor in handfuls.’


Blessed Edmund Rice - Pray for Us

St Pius X - Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts - Forever!

The Season of Advent

During this Advent season, which commences this coming weekend, I hope and pray that you and your family find an opportunity to celebrate and rejoice in the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ.

I am always encouraged by the joy and happiness of the season.  However, it also reminds me that this is not always a reality for all our community, especially the lonely, the marginalised, the poor, the homeless. I do hope that through our prayers and love all we receive a little of the blessings of Christmas. May we all receive the greatest gift this Christmas, the gift of Christ’s love for all of us.


I BELIEVE that Christmas is more than a time for parties and ornaments; it is a time for remembering Christ and the incarnation of God’s love in human flesh.

I BELIEVE there are gifts more important than the ones under the Christmas tree, the things we teach our children, the way we share ourselves with friends, and the industry with which we set about reshaping the world in our time.

I BELIEVE that the finest carols are often sung by the poorest voices; from hearts made warm by the wonder of the season.

I BELIEVE in the angel’s message that we should not be afraid—that the Child of Bethlehem is able to overcome all anxieties and insecurities.

I BELIEVE in prayer and quietness as a way of appropriating Christmas—that if I wait in silence I will experience the presence of the one born in the manger, for he lives today as surely as he lived then.

I BELIEVE in going away from Christmas as the wise men went: "another way." I want to be different when these days are past—more centred, more thoughtful, more caring.


And I believe God will help me. Amen

Our Gratitude to a true gentleman

Mr Russo has been a member of the St Pius X community for 30 years  It was with great sadness that he informed me of the difficult decision to retire because of his current family situation.  Mr Russo has held the position of College Counsellor and Chaplin for many years.   He commenced his time at St Pius X in 1994 when he was employed by the then Principal Br Michael Walsh.   Over the course of the next 30 years Mr Russo became an institution within the College. His numerous initiatives in support of student wellbeing and their pastoral needs continue to this very day.  Some examples of this are the Boxercise Program that continues every Thursday and Friday morning, the mentor/mentee program, the Mindmatters program, the Seasons for Growth and Peaceful Kids programs and a Boxercise program for staff.  Mr Russo is a true gentleman and will be sorely missed.  

He will not be totally moving into retirement, as he has promised to support the College where he can throughout the school year. We congratulate Mr Russo on being a loyal and faithful servant and look forward to his continual support in 2024. Farewell for now and thank you for the positivity you brought to so many young people at the College over your tenure. 

Below is a special message from Mr Russo.


Best wishes and much gratitude to the SPX College Community

As the school year fast draws to a close, I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to all the St Pius X College community, both past and present, for the opportunity to work with and support your sons and families over the past thirty years.

Since the end of term one in April, I have been unable to resume my full-time position as College Counsellor and Chaplin, due to a significant health issue within my family which has temporarily required me to move to Brisbane to support those family members.

In light of this critical situation, I have reluctantly tendered my resignation at the College. I have been extremely fortunate to a part of the College counselling team, a team which clearly works confidentially in the best interests of all our students and their mental health and general well-being. 

I am extremely grateful particularly to Brother Walsh, College Principal, way back in 1994, to have been offered this privileged position of trust and care towards all of our students.

I will certainly miss every personal interaction with those students and their families and I take this final opportunity to wish you all ongoing personal happiness, positive mental/physical health and general well-being  in coming years ahead.

God bless you all.

Mr Rick Russo - SPX College Counsellor and Chaplin 1994-2023

 Farewell and thank you

This time of the year always brings a touch of sadness as we farewell a number of staff members.  On behalf of the St Pius X community, I would like to thank each and every person and I am confident that you leave St Pius X a much better place. May the light of the Christ illuminate your path in the next stage of your journey and may St Pius X always be in your heart.

Vita Carbone 

Richard Camilleri 

Mark Casey 

Marcel Kennedy     

Rob McEnallay

Samantha Montaos

Phil O'Sullivan

Steve Quilty

Rick Russo 

Carolyn Scott 

Kristie Stubley

Wendy Taylor                                            

Jennifer Tran

Chris Ure 

Justin Varjavandi 

Thank you for being constant and faithful supporters of St Pius X during your time here and I know that you will always be part of our family.   We wish you every success in your future endeavours and please be reassured that you are always welcome back to our great college. 

Acting Assistant Principal Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

Following Mr Brannan’s sabbatical to Mater Maria Warriewood, it is with great pleasure that I inform the community of the appointment of Mr Martin Gillogly into this acting position for 2024. Mr Gillogly has been with the College for the past two years, firstly as a Year Coordinator and currently as the PDHPE Coordinator.  During his time with the College, he has also taken on the responsibility as Rugby Convenor. Mr Gillogly brings a wealth of pastoral experience from his previous leadership of this domain at his previous schools.  He is passionate about pastoral care and wellbeing and we look forward to his leadership of this domain in 2024.  Congratulations Mr Gillogly. 

2024 PDHPE Coordinator

With the appointment of Mr Gillogly to his new role for 2024, Mr Lacey has been appointed to the PDHPE Coordinator role for 2024.  Mr Lacey brings a wealth of experience to this position, and we look forward to his leadership next year.  Congratulations and best wishes to Mr Lacey in this important leadership role within the College.

2024 Pastoral Leaders

With change comes great opportunity. Therefore, it is with great confidence and excitement that I notify the community of the 2024 Pastoral Leaders:

Year 7              Mr Ryan

Year 8              Mr Kovacic

Year 9              Mr Steinman

Year 10            Mr Pawlak

Year 11            Mr Maloney

Year 12            Ms Janes 

2024 Junior Sport Coordinator

The College is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr James Bourke as the 2024 Junior Sports Coordinator.  Mr Bourke comes to us via St Joseph’s Hunters Hill where he was an active member in the PE department as well as the Indigenous Support Officer.  Mr Bourke will commence his journey with St Pius X in 2024 and we look forward to his leadership of junior sport.

November campaign into week four – the end is near

The Movember campaign is approaching its final days.  The community has been overly supportive of this most important cause and I am extremely grateful to all those who have donated to supporting men’s health and research into testicular cancer and prostate cancer.  Special thanks to Mr Gillogly who has raised $889.   What a tremendous effort!

We have revised the total three times.  Let’s try and reach the new total of $5,000.  So, for the last time in 2023, please continue to donate via myMo Space, here:  – for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in your life. 

Please keep all our young men in your prayers

This is a very exciting week for the College as 70+ students are attending the Year 11 Snowy Hike and over 60 students from Year 10 are partaking in the Year 10 Immersion experiences either locally, or at Bowraville, Baradine or the Central Coast.  Please keep in your prayers all our young people who are attending to these very important formation opportunities.

Annual Awards Presentation – Tuesday 5 December

All families should have received the correspondence regarding the Annual Awards Presentation Day.  We are finalising all award recipients and those students who are receiving an award will be notified by the end of the week.  I am looking forward to celebrating with the community the achievements of 2023.

Commencing at 10:15 am, the ceremony will be live-streamed.  You can watch it via the link below:

A rite of passage - Year 6 Graduation Liturgy

On Monday 27 November, the College celebrated the Year 6 Graduation Liturgy. This was a fantastic rite of passage moment for all our students who walked over the symbolic Waterford bridge, rang the bell, and moved onwards in their St Pius X journey.  It was a remarkable experience for not only the boys but for all the family members who witnessed this rite of passage moment.  Thanks to Mrs Greenwood for her overall organisation of the inaugural graduation liturgy.  

We must also thank the wonderful Junior School staff who supported the students throughout the year.  Special thanks to Mr Petrie for his insightful approach to this rite of passage especially the Waterford bridge and the ringing of the bell to signal the welcoming of our young men to the senior school in 2024.  Our heartfelt thank you also, to our musicians led by Mrs Westhoff, Mr Balboa and Ms Gan for their exquisite arrangement of songs.  Thanks must also go to our Junior School chorale who were brilliant in providing the beautiful tones.  Well done to all.

Commencement dates for the 2024 school year

As we conclude the 2023 school year, I now provide you with the commencement dates for 2024.

Bell Times:

With the commencement of the school year, you are reminded of the new starting time:

8:30 am            Movement bell

8:35 am            Homeroom commences


I strongly encourage all families to review the transport times in the new year to ensure all students arrive on time.

End of Year Dates

Week 8            

Friday 1 December                 Year 10 Term 5 Program – Peer Support Training


Week 9            

Monday 4 December              End of Year Thanksgiving Liturgy - The Road to Bethlehem 

Tuesday 5 December             Annual Awards Ceremony at Oxford Falls campus

                                                       Last Day for students Year 5 - 11


Live Jesus in Our Hearts - Forever

Mr Michael Ronchetti - Principal