Junior School News 

  • From the Head of the Junior School
  • Junior School Sport
  • Tennis
  • From the Junior Resource Centre

From the Head of the Junior School


As we near the end of the school year, we give thanks to God for all his gifts throughout 2023.




At the end of this school year, we give thanks to God:

For all the teaching and learning that has taken place in our school, 

both in and out of the classroom,

For the talents and gifts that have been shared, and the challenges that have been faced;

For the burdens that have been lifted, and the hurts that have been healed;

For the respect and care that has been given.


We give thanks for the friendships that have just begun, and for those that have grown.

For the faith that has been lived in our daily struggles,

For the hope that has lifted our hearts on the dark days.

And for the love that has kept us going.


We give thanks for the community that we are, and we ask you Lord -

Bless our families as we take our holidays, may our time together

leave us with memories to cherish.

Pour out your love on us that we may return renewed and refreshed

to continue our journey together.


We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. 





On Monday, students in Year 6 spent the morning with their teachers at Oxford Falls where they had an opportunity to take a pause from the pace of everyday college life and spend time in quiet prayer and reflection in a peaceful atmosphere.  The students reflected on their primary education, gave thanks, and looked towards the future. Students had time to reflect on what it means to respect themselves and care for others, and hopefully gained a new appreciation for their friends, families, classmates, and teachers. The students also learnt about responsibility and trust and explored their relationship with God. 



Following their morning of reflection, our Year 6 students were joined by their families to celebrate the end of their time in the Junior School and the end of their primary education.  Our Assistant Principal, Mission and Identity, Mr Petrie was able to transport us from Oxford Falls to the docks of Waterford, Ireland and each student signalled their preparedness for the journey ahead by ringing the Waterford bell.


Thank you to those parents who took the time to send in some feedback on the ceremony:


That was beyond a doubt, the nicest graduation ceremony. It was just so beautiful.  Crossing the bridge into Year 7 was just so special.  Although remaining at the same school, finishing primary school is still a massive milestone and it was just lovely that St Pius X recognised this.


Just wanted to say congrats to you & the wider team, yesterday was a fabulous event, the idea of the bridge & the bell was very inspiring & fitting with the next big steps these young men take.


Thanks for such a beautiful liturgy yesterday. It is such a great addition to the college and should be repeated annually for many years to come.


Thank you for the most amazing liturgy and graduation ceremony yesterday.  It was absolutely perfect.


I just wanted to write and say what a fabulous service and ceremony it was yesterday. I have shown so many people the footage I have of the ceremony and have said it was the most meaningful graduation ceremony I have been to.


'Lord, enable these graduates of primary education to see clearly that they can choose a meaningful life, that they must dare to dream, and above all, that they are dearly loved. And, as we send them forward to continue their journey at St Pius X College through secondary education, may they be truly blessed.'





by Connor K, 5 Gold 

Year 5 was lucky enough to have a Science incursion with Mad About Science to consolidate our learning about the three main states of matter: Liquids, Solids and Gases. We conducted several hands-on experiments, using a range of materials, including dry ice. We loved this experience and heard many great questions and answers from different people around the class groups. I think that the experience we all enjoyed the most in the Science lab was getting a large bubble of carbon dioxide and other cool ingredients on our hair. When popped, it created a cool, steam-like gas that smelt like soap. Year 5 loved spending time in the Senior School Science lab – thank you to Mrs Schuster and the Science Department, and thank you also to the Year 5 teachers and Mrs Greenwood for this opportunity.


At the end of this year, the Junior School will farewell Mr Ure after 5 years at the College.  Mr Ure is heading to Marist Brothers Eastwood to pursue his passion for Technical and Applied Studies (TAS).  He is also making a move from primary into secondary education, and we wish him all the very best in both his studies and in his new role and thank him for his contributions to St Pius X. 


Mr Carroll has also caught the TAS bug and will leave the Junior School after 13 years to join the TAS department in the Senior School, here at St Pius X.  We look forward to continuing to see Mr Carroll around the college and fingers crossed he may even take a few of the Junior School Digital Technology classes in 2024 and beyond.


After 12 years in our Junior School classrooms, Mrs Williams is taking on a new challenge in the Junior School in 2024.  She will be part of our Diverse Learning team three days a week and will job share with Mrs Iwatani on Fridays and Ms Barrett on Thursdays.  We are looking forward to the experience and expertise that Mrs Williams will bring to the Diverse Learning team next year.


After a very successful year working in the Junior School, I am pleased to welcome Ms Boyle into the Junior School on a permanent basis.  Ms Boyle will be a member of the Junior School Diverse Learning team and, together with Mrs Williams and Mrs Doheny, will support the diverse needs of our learners in 2024 and beyond.  Any queries regarding how we can best support students with diverse learning needs in the Junior School can be directed to Ms Boyle at rboyle@stpiusx.nsw.edu.au.


I am thrilled to welcome four impressive new teachers to the Junior School in 2024.  Mr Matthew Buda, Mr Matthew Makhoul, Ms Lana Shaba, and Mr Callum Montgomerie will be joining Ms Burke, Ms Barrett, Mrs Iwatani, and Mr Morris to create four Year 5 and four Year 6 classes.  Teachers and I are currently working on class lists for 2024 – if you have any information that you think would assist in those discussions, please send me an email as soon as possible jgreenwood@stpiusx.nsw.edu.au.


Our intake of 96 Year 5 students will remain unchanged in 2024, however, we are adding an additional Year 5 class and teacher.  This means that each Year 5 class will have 24 students (one class will have 25 students).  Year 6 will continue to have 32 students per class in 2024.  However, from 2025, both Year 5 and Year 6 will be capped at 28 students per class. 


Mrs Jill Greenwood - Head of the Junior School

Junior School Sport

Thursday Sport

Our swim/surf program concluded last week with the fourth and final session during Thursday Sport. I hope that the boys at both programs are not only feeling more confident but also have developed a greater appreciation and respect for the water. Whilst swimming pools have their own inherent risks, it is the surf and changing nature of it that can pose many more challenges. Thankfully our Year 6 young men were able to experience different sets of conditions each week. The application of surf specific skills to paddle, catch waves, body surf and wade increased each week. Whilst on the sand waiting for their turn to get in the water, boys were able to take part run relays, sit ups and other sand based activities, including the creation last week of life sized ‘Sandy the Seaweed Surfer.’

This week is our last official Thursday sport session, where we return to Oxford Falls for the final time this year for sport. We will have the boys engage in the same activities as they had in previous weeks leading into the swim program so please ensure your son is wearing his sport uniform and brings the appropriate items for the sport he was taking part in this term.

The Armidale School Rugby Carnival:

Thank you to Mr Morris for conducting a meeting with current Year 5 students who are interested in attending The Armidale School Rugby Carnival in 2024. The following link answers some questions you may have about the carnival FAQs and is worth reading over.

The link below is to register your interest in your son attending the carnival in 2024. It is a tremendous opportunity for our young rugby players to be involved in.



School Sport Australia Track and Field Championships (Launceston, Tasmania)

I am pleased to report that Cristiano Calcarao (6 Red) has returned from nationals with 2 medals from his 2 events. On Friday night (24 November) Cristiano secured a silver medal and with that a new PB of 4m22.74s. A thrilling race by all accounts. Whilst this was a straight final, he needed to negotiate the preliminaries on Saturday to gain a place in the 800m final. With his place in the Sunday morning final, it was another opportunity to medal. Despite being involved in a stumble with 3 other athletes (as can be the case in this type of event), Cristiano dug deep and came away with a bronze medal in a time of 2m12.20s. We are all very proud of Cristiano’s accomplishments and look forward to supporting his sporting journey into the future.

Return of SPX loan uniforms:

Thank you to all those who handed in their basketball or touch football tops in the last couple of weeks. A gentle reminder that there is only a handful of boys yet to return their respective tops and it is important these are returned before the last day of Term 4.

Boys can either hand their singlet to me or leave with their class teacher if I am not in my office. Distribution of tops/singlets will then again take place prior to Round 1 in 2024.

It is also a timely reminder for all boys who have been involved in any of the activities below return their SPX loan uniform. These include:

  • Touch Football singlets 
  • Athletics singlets
  • Cross Country singlets
  • AFL jerseys and shorts
  • Basketball singlets
  • Basketball shorts (As only)

Any items unaccounted for at the conclusion of the term will be charged to individual students, as replacements will need to be arranged in time for the 2024 seasons. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.


Sport Choice 2024:

Please note that draws and schedules of fixtures for Basketball, Touch Football, and Softball, have now been established for IPSHA Saturday sport competitions in Term 1, 2024. The number of teams we have entered was based on sport choices you had entered for your son via the online form you were sent some time ago. The intention is to send a follow up email in the new year to confirm the choices you have made.


Cricket Reports 

SPX Black

In scenes reminiscent of the Ashes in England, SPX Black fronted up against Seaforth Superkings on a wet, rainy morning. Batting first, we got off to a decent start with excellent intent between the wickets, but unfortunately we lost wickets regularly. Pleasingly all the boys got starts and gave themselves a chance, but in the end no-one got a big score, and we failed to bat out our overs in the skiddy conditions, all out for 62 and probably 20 runs short.

The boys bowled exceptionally well, using the conditions to our advantage and we were right in the game when we had Seaforth 5/29. Ultimately a couple of good partnerships got them home with a couple of wickets to spare, despite our best efforts. A valiant loss. Thanks to all of the parents for hanging around in the rain & cheering the boys on. 


SPX Blue

SPX Blue fronted up against Wakehurst Red, who came in very confidently. They won the toss & elected to bat. We started well with the ball, with Oscar Haigh and Nick Belov picking up early wickets to put them under pressure. We continued to pick up wickets at regular intervals, but our discipline in the field let us down with 50 extras conceded in a total of 103. Ben Costain (4/2), Will Tully & Felix Keeler, all filling in from SPX Black, each got wickets, with Ben having the batsmen in all sorts of bother.

The run chase started at pace, with last week's star, Connor Koruga, scoring 12 in the first over. Vinnie Protich dug in to play the anchor role, however we lost wickets around him in quick succession. Ben Costain & Felix Keeler came together with the game in the balance at 5/53, needing a further 51 for our first win of the season. Ben top scored with 44, before Felix (18*) took control in an unbroken 23 run partnership with Josh Wilson (3*) to see us home. A great first win for the season and the team song was sung loudly!


Thank you:

Finally, let me just take this opportunity to thank each parent/carer/family member and friend who has cheered, consoled, and collectively supported their son and his teams throughout 2023. Your unwavering commitment to the College’s Sport and Co-Curricular programs is greatly appreciated and valued, not only by me, but also by the SPX teaching, support staff, and external coaches whose sons you have entrusted to us. Whilst this is a farewell to my short tenure as Junior Sport Coordinator, it is not a goodbye as I will continue to maintain the same passion for your son’s holistic formation within the pastoral and wellbeing domain as Year 7 Pastoral Leader in 2024.

Mr Ben Ryan - Junior School Sports Coordinator


It was a disappointing conclusion to the competition with all games washed-out. Consequently, the competition medals have been awarded based on the ladder and accumulated points.

Congratulations to our Winning and Runner-up players, tabled below. Medals will be presented as soon possible.

I’d like to thank our coaches, Ms Boyle, Mrs Fileman and Mr Petrie on behalf of the players and myself as their support ensued the smooth running of the competition. Thank you to players, parents, grandparents, and siblings who all contributed to making this such a successful competition. 

I look forward to seeing everyone back on court Term 1 2024 for the next competition rounds of Summer NSTA. I anticipate, there will be some tweaking of teams and divisions with the aim of providing competitive tennis as well as a positive team experience. I welcome any feedback you may have for next year’s competition.


Mrs Karen Keighery - NSTA Tennis Convenor 

From the Junior Resource Centre

This Week's Highlights:

Summer Reading 2023

Exams come to an end, excitement builds because we know what is coming ….IT’S TIME FOR SUMMER READING! The JRC has put together a brilliant selection of new releases, most popular titles, and great authors for you to prepare for your summer holiday reading.

The anticipated list is here. Check out the Bookflix list below. Enjoy!



PRC Certificate Update

2023 PRC challenge certificates will be handed out to all students who have completed the challenge. A big thank you to Mrs Hunt who co-ordinated this whist I was on Long Service Leave. 

PRC Winners - 5 Gold
PRC Winners - 6 Green
PRC Winners - 5 Gold
PRC Winners - 6 Green

Return of Library Books

This week is 'Return Your Library Books' week. Would all students and staff please return any JRC library books to enable Mrs Martin to complete end of year processes.

The JRC will be undergoing a refurbishment over the school holidays. Watch this space in 2024.





Mrs Martin’s Book Trail: Goosebumps Most Wanted by R L Stine 

If spooky Christmas stories are up your alley, this is for you. Kate and her frenemy Courtney both want the lead in the Christmas play, but to be in it both must get along. Their teacher decides to have them rehearse in the house that inspired him to write the play….and soon they realise the story might actually be true…ghostly! Despite these classic Goosebumps books being around a long time, there are still so many fans amongst my students. R L Stine is also still writing away, he is in his 80’s and still going! So, there is no excuse to give up on anything! #mrsmartinsbooktrail2023

Mrs Elena Martin - JRC Teacher Librarian