2023 Key Dates
Term 4
Friday 1st December
-Yarra Division Triathlon
Thursday 7th December
-Christmas Concert
Friday 8th December
-Warby Bike Ride
Tuesday 12th December
-State-wide orientation day K-6 6-7
Wednesday 13th December
-Parent helpers morning tea
-BBQ upper Yarra SC Yr 7
Friday 15th December
-Gumbuya world Year 6 Excursion
Monday 18th December
-Graduation Event
Tuesday 19th December
-Final assembly 12.30pm-1.30pm outside
-End of term 1.30pm Finish
Wednesday 20th December
-Curriculum day-No Students
Term 1
Monday 29th January: Stationery Packs available for pickup from 11:00 - 3:00PM @ Launch Office.
Tuesday 30th January: Year 1 - 6 Students return for first day.
Monday 5th February: Prep students begin at Launch PS for their first day until 1:20PM
Wednesday 7th February: Prep students complete their first full day from 9am to 3:30PM.