Wellbeing at TPS

Transition Support 

Hi Families,


We are so close to the end of the school year, but there is still so much happening here at Teesdale Primary School, including our whole school transition next Tuesday 12th December.


At Teesdale PS, we start preparing our students for change early, so they feel well-supported to make the transition to their next year of schooling. 

Part of this support includes providing some children with Social Stories so they feel familiar with the new changes. 


Find more information about Social Stories here: https://carolgraysocialstories.com/social-stories/what-is-it/


Social stories can help children to feel in control of change when they know what to expect. Many of our students have been exposed to this Social Story, some will even be bringing a copy home! Find some of the pages of our Teesdale PS Transition Social Story below.