Term 4 Calendar 


Week 9 

Friday 8th December – Semester 2 Reports home 

Friday 8th December - Swimming program 

Friday 8th December – School Canteen open 


Week 10 

Monday 11th December – Swimming program 

Tuesday 12th December – Swimming program 

Tuesday 12th December – Year 6 Farewell for Year 6 children 5.30pm-8.00pm 

Wednesday 13th December – K-2 Assembly at 12.40pm in the McMullen Hall 

Wednesday 13th December – 3-6 Assembly at 2.00pm in the McMullen Hall 

Wednesday 13th December – Green Award Morning Tea at 11am 

Thursday 14th December – Year 6 Assembly at 10am 

Thursday 14th December - K-2 to Metro Cinemas to watch Trolls commencing at 12.00noon

Thursday 14th December - 3-6 to Metro Cinemas to watch Wonka commencing at 12.00noon.

Friday 15th December – Year 6 Tunnel at 2.15pm 

Friday 15th December – Last day for children K-6 


Week 11 

Monday 18th December – School office open till 3.00pm 

Tuesday 19th December – School office closes at 3.00pm for the 2023 school year