Dear Parents


Our school came together on Tuesday, 5th December to celebrate our hugely successful year at our Presentation Day. Thank you to the many parents and friends who came along to support us at this event. Our children were wonderful representatives of our school. Congratulations to our 2023 award winners. A full list of award winners can be found in this newsletter. Thank you, Mrs Chaffey, for your coordination of Presentation Day, Mrs Cafe for her support and Mr Datt for the Year 6 roll call presentation.



Our School Swimming Program recommenced again on Wednesday. It continues up to and including Tuesday, 12th December.If your child is involved with the School Swimming program, please ensure they bring a towel, swimmers, goggles, swimming cap (only if they use one) and a change of underwear in a separate bag to their school bag (plastic bag or old backpack). Please ensure all items have your child's name clearly labelled. 



Our Semester 2 reports will be sent home with children this Friday, 8th December. Parents are encouraged to contact their child's classroom teacher for an interview about their child's progress in the second part of the year. Thank you to the teachers for the work they have done writing the reports. I thoroughly enjoyed reading every child's report over the past week, and I congratulate the children on their incredible academic, social and cultural progress. Well done, everyone.


A huge thank you to our P&C for their coordination, organisation and reopening of our school Clothing Pool. This has taken several weeks of working bees, washing and cleaning. Thank you to everyone involved. This has been extremely successful, and we thank all parents for supporting this service. 



Some end-of-year reminders;


*Our Year 6 Farewell will be held on Tuesday, 12th December at Bathurst Panthers, commencing at 6.00 pm. Parents are reminded to make the payment of $45.00, which covers the meal, disco, photos, venue hire, decorations and cake by Friday, 8th December. (Please note only cash payments can be made over the counter at school due to our school transitioning to Sentral Finance).


*Our Term 4 Green Award Morning Tea will be held on Wednesday, 13th December at 11 am with Mrs White.


*Our K-2 and 3-6 Assemblies will be held on Wednesday, 13th December. The K-2 Assembly will commence at 12.40 pm whilst the 3-6 Assembly will commence at 2 pm. All assemblies will be held in the McMullen Hall.


*Year 5 children, who will be in Year 6 in 2024, have been sized for their Year 6 jumper. A reminder that orders and payments are due by Wednesday, 13th December. (Please note only cash payments can be made over the counter at school due to our school transitioning to Sentral Finance).


*On Thursday, 14th December (2nd last day of school), we will hold our Year 6 Assembly under the COLA. This is a whole school event, and all children will need to be in school uniform. Year 6 children will be presented with their grad certificates and bears at the assembly. All parents and friends are welcome to attend.


*On Thursday, 14th December, all children K-6 will attend Metro Cinemas to watch a movie as part of our end-of-year celebrations. K- 2 children will watch Trolls. Years 3-6 children will watch Wonka. We will leave school at about 11.30 to get into the theatres on time. This is a school-funded event. Please ensure you give permission for your child to attend on the Sentral parent portal.  


*Friday, 15th December is the last day of the 2023 school year. This will be a FREE DRESS day. 


*The Year 6 tunnel will be held at 2.30 pm on Friday, 15th December.


Our school is currently transitioning to Sentral Finance in readiness for it to go live on Wednesday, 13th December. This will be a wonderful asset to our school and how we support families. After the 13th of December, parents can give permission for events on the Parent Portal and pay for events on the same system. It will absolutely streamline permission, and payments parents are asked to make to the school. To allow a smooth transition to the new system, no payments can be made via POP on our school website or EFTPOS at the school between Tuesday, 5th December and Wednesday, 13th December. We will be able to accept cash payments at school. 


This Friday, 8th December is our last Canteen day for the 2023 school year. A huge thank you to Mrs Chaffey and our amazing volunteers for everything they do in the canteen and the yummy food they prepare every Friday. We love seeing you all at school and look forward to welcoming you back in 2024.



If any parent has concerns regarding any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Kate White 
