What’s been happening?

This week started off on a high for many kids at OSHC, spending Monday afternoon outside playing a life-sized version of snakes and ladders! Using a chalk-drawn board and giant homemade dice, the kids acted as the game pieces. Jumping from one square to another, up ladders and down slippery snakes, competitors raced to make it to the end. Throughout the game, Savannah, Malakai and Lily communicated well, Mossy, Tommy O-S, Lennox, James M and Martín showed great enthusiasm, and Finley, Charlie F, Gene, Claude and Winston demonstrated excellent sportsmanship. It was a shame that the rain came later that night and washed away the game board, but we look forward to giving it another go soon!


Another highlight this week has been our ‘create your own snack mix’ activity. Laid out on the table, we had bowls with different ingredients and the children thought about which of these they would like in their individual snack mix. They were then given a plain paper bag, and had to come up with a catchy product name and design appealing packaging for their snack. During this part of the activity, kids were encouraged to think about packaging they see at the shops, and what features would make a shopper want to buy their product. Among the designs, Mathilde’s Magical Mix had an exciting firework motif and Mei’s Magical Muppets had brightly coloured artwork!


When they were ready to add the ingredients to their packaging, we discussed why specific measuring tools were provided for each ingredient. We were so pleased that the group demonstrated great awareness of two reasons why this was the case; portioning in order to share and have enough for everyone, and also to ensure a healthy balance of nutrients within our snack mixes. With a mix of popcorn, pretzels, pumpkin seeds, dried fruit and a few chocolate chips, Mossy gave his mix a 3 star health rating and even included this in his design!


It was a very very busy activity, with almost 90 children participating in 60 minutes and already asking to do it again!


Re-Enrolment and 2024 Bookings

Parents and guardians of children enrolled in OSHC were recently sent information regarding re-enrolment and booking requests for 2024. A big thank you to all the families who have responded so promptly. Please let us know if you have not received a link to re-enrol, or if you are having any troubles completing the form. Re-enrolment is a quick but important step that enables us to care for your child’s safety and wellbeing based on the most up-to-date information.


Current bookings will not automatically carry into 2024. All families are required to email us with the sessions of care they require, whether it be to request the same sessions that their child currently attends, or to request additional or alternative days. Bookings will be locked in (based on Priority of Access guidelines) from next week, so please get in touch if you haven’t already done so. Email is the only way to request an ongoing booking.


Getting this sorted now means we can focus on a fun end to the school year, and a smooth and positive start to 2024 for all involved!


TeamKids Summer Holiday Program

TeamKids are busy getting ready for the next holiday program, and will be releasing the schedule and booking information shortly. The program will likely begin on Monday the 8th of January and run for three weeks before school returns. Information will be shared here in The Newlands Times as soon as it becomes available, so keep an eye out!