The Birds and the Bees 

Dear Newlands Primary School families, 


We are privileged to share our school grounds with a diverse array of wildlife, especially our feathered friends. In light of this, we request your assistance in fostering a respectful environment for our resident creatures.


It would be immensely beneficial if parents could engage in conversations with their children regarding appropriate actions when encountering wildlife on the school premises. As staff, we encourage our students to refrain from touching or moving any wildlife, and instead, promptly report sightings to the nearest teacher on yard duty or the school office, so that an adult can follow the appropriate course of action depending on the circumstance. We remind  them that attention to detail in specifying the wildlife's location is crucial for swift assistance.


In line with our commitment to shared responsibility, we implore everyone not to disturb the natural habitats of our wildlife. We would greatly appreciate if our parent community could reiterate  the message that children should refrain from removing nests from trees, relocating animals, or using them as toys. Additionally, we request that families emphasise the importance of refraining from throwing objects at wildlife.


Recognizing the seriousness of preserving our local ecosystem, we believe that open discussions among parents regarding inappropriate behaviour towards wildlife and plants will contribute to a collective understanding. It is through the combined efforts of our dedicated staff, responsible students, and supportive families that we can create a harmonious environment for all.


Thank you for being an essential part of the Newlands Primary School community!

Warm regards, NPS Team