Fete De La Primavera -


That’s a wrap on the biggest and best event of the year! It was a fantastic day with our wonderful school community on display to the wider community. We are so proud of everyone involved and all the positive energy and feedback from the Fete de la Primavera. There are many people to thank and we would like to do our best in acknowledging everyone involved.


Our wonderful sponsors:

Alchemy Construct were an early supporter giving us the confidence to hire the large inflatable obstacle course. Not only did they provide the largest sponsorship but they also provided three volunteers on the day who had the demanding job of inflatable supervision! A very special thanks to Alchemy also for kitting out The Pink Ladies in their fab hot pink, high-vis vests!



Nelson Alexander supported us by providing the promotional boards you would have seen at school and around the neighbourhood and also a generous sponsorship.



Our bronze financial support came from Regency Compounding Pharmacy the best chemist in our area, Bourke & Bouteloup Architects who have designed our new buildings, Zan Fashion through a parent connection, and Red Spark Consulting our local tax accountants who have been great supporters of our past events too. Our school must really love ice cream as the Melbourne Ice-Cream Vans gave us a donation at the end of a very happy day too.


Our raffle prizes were provided by Zenith MusicLug+CarrieSparque e-bikesNovotel PrestonKelly Aykers Dance and Rocket Queen Hair Studio.


La Manna FreshLa TortilleriaWild Life provided fresh ingredients to La Taqueria de Newlands.


Now to our cast of amazing volunteers, this is the most stressful part of the acknowledgment – we don’t want to leave anyone out!


Firstly to our stall holders and co-ordinators, Morag McKillop put her hand up early to run 2nd hand clothes and books and what a bonanza of a double stall that was. Morag spent countless (she may be able to count) hours curating all the donations into a wonderful selection with something for everyone. The cool change was great for business.


Nat Crewe and Mich Dedek who were in charge of face painting were also very early fete supporters and have been attending meetings for well over a year. They organized all the paints and brushes and encouraged their team to step out of their comfort zones and paint all those eager faces! Nat also coordinated the first-aid tent, launching into bandaid application before the fete even officially opened!


Clare Rae and Claire Slattery for running the badge-making stall, so much creativity coming out of your marquee.


Janya Clemens for championing and running the flower crowns and standing there for five hours straight making everyone flower crowns, they put the Primavera into the fete!


Becky James for her bookmark-making stall which was such a lovely space to come and create.


Liz Shield and Tess Haycox for a bountiful plant stall that was keeping lots of arms full with their bounty.


Libby Stewart, Anna Stewart and Rob McBlack for the super fun, super sparkly Glam Station. Libby ensured there was something fabulous for everyone coordinating three stalls: Glam Station, Rizzie Designs and Rainbow Brain Parade.


Susannah Hoban and Emma Spiel for supporting the two kids' stalls Galaxy Bubble and Galaxy Jewelry, and of course thanks to the dedicated kids, Hazel, Matilda, Ramona N, Rebecca, Tilly, Isabel, Yaz, Mala, Ines, for making all the lovely crafts & jewellery, with special thanks to Daphne and June for their help on the day.


And the food!

Romy Ash for co-ordinating La Taqueria de Newlands, a crowd favourite that we will need to see again.


Ruby Nolan and Team for their delicious pizzas.


Debbie El-Alo for creating a whole extra sweets stall by herself including popcorn, fairy floss and a gorgeous display of other treats.


Adam Palmer for coordinating and working most of the day at the BBQ, what is a fete without a sausage sizzle?!


Claire Moore for coordinating the bake sale and the very many people who brought such delicious treats that they were all sold out by 3.30. There was a grand array of options, thanks so much to all the contributors – especially if you were baking on the very hot Friday.


All our external providers were great too Beanmaster Coffee, Melbourne Ice-cream Vans, Donde Mama, Paella and Spanish foods, Danny Balboa’s Sauce Co and Nick’s Jam stall.


Lou Smith coordinated the live performances and did a super job wrangling all those musos, Michael Prior for providing a PA and engineering on the day and Joe Greenway for support with all things electrical.  


The performers were amazing! Big thank you to LadybugAmaru TribeBrooklyn ’86, Phil Hudson and the Family Affair, Day of the Dad and our student DJs.


Tom Sevil and Antonia Sellbach for creating the beautiful interactive chalk mural, we hope to make it permanent one day.


Rachel Brown for all the design work and branding for the fete and to her brother-in-law Josh for being our official photographer. Andrea Andric for promotion and ALL the newsletter pages.


Dylan Stewart for organizing the raffle including getting a permit and securing first prize. He was also there late Friday evening and all day Saturday helping with everything.


Xtreme Party Hire for the inflatable obstacle course and One Big Day event hire for the games. And Jodie’s Native Animals for the native petting zoo.


Thanks to all our teachers who supported the event, Luke, Jess and Graeme for attending meetings and on the day support from Ross, Jess, Raema, Luisa, Sophia, Angelica, Sole & Clara.


Thanks to the people who donated clothes, books, plants and cake stall items. Thanks to those who loaned out their marquees & trestle tables, particularly Mich Dedek for the huge load and Jackie Steel for picking them all up in her trailer with Mich and also Adam Palmer who loaned a heap too. 


Thanks to all our shift volunteers doing face painting, selling wristbands, cakes, sausages, 2nd hand goods, cooking, cleaning, setting up and packing up marquees, carrying chairs around and welcoming our visitors at the gate. We could not do these events without you.


If you have read this far, well done. If you were expecting to see your name and didn’t then come and tell us. We have all done such a great job it looks like we will have to do it all again next year!


Olivia Stewart, Claire Moore and Sarah Small*

The Pink Ladies and the Fete Committee


*For a full list of everything Olivia, Claire and Sarah did the newsletter would need to be hosted on a bigger server.


Closing with a snapshot of memories from a wonderful day!