It's Fete

What a turn out! The fete was just another wonderful example of the incredible Newlands community we have. We we would to extend a massive THANK YOU to Olivia, Sarah and Claire and numerous other individuals who made the day possible - there is an extensive list of gratitude and details on the next page of this newsletter. The day was an incredible representation of our school with Spanish, sustainability and arts and crafts visible under every gazebo. The day saw familiar and new faces turn up for a bounce on the jumping castle, creation of a flower crown and a taco to finish. 



Thank you to the parents and students who attended our RAP meeting last week. Our  KESO, Tyrell, also attended and it great to share the work the school is undertaking to celebrate and teach Indigenous culture and consider future actions. We also opened up our classrooms to families last week to share with our parents/carers the student experience at NPS. 


Next week we will be hosting teachers of the bilingual Yirrkala School as they will be visiting our school to learn about our bilingual program. They will be visiting classrooms and chatting with teachers to understand our approach to bilingual learning.


On Tuesday, in week 11, students will 'step up' and meet their 2024 teachers and classmates.  This is always an exciting an exciting day for both teachers and students! We will provide students of their class details on  Monday of Week 11 (the day before). 


Lastly, Parent Teacher Interviews will be held in week 11. Bookings have now gone live on Sentral so please be sure to schedule your appointment. This term, meetings will be held with one of your child's teachers. 


Have a wonderful weekend! 


Newlands PS.