Grade 3/4 News
Week 8, Term 4
Grade 3/4 News
Week 8, Term 4
The Grade 3/4 swimming program will be running from 27th Nov. - 1st Dec. Please send the following items with your child's name labelledto avoid items becoming lost:
Mathematics: This fortnight students will be involved in a variety of Measurement challenges involving lemons. They will keep a 'Lemon Booklet' and use it to record all of the data that they collect from the activities they complete with their lemon.
Writing & Reading: In Writing, students will continue to work on their brochures from last fortnight and then share them with each other. We will also work to publish a few of our favourite pieces from the term and use our Writer's notebook to practise a variety of different text types. In Reading, students are continuing to enjoy daily Read-to-Self sessions using hardcopy books from the library as well as online books from Epic.
Topic: Students will be finishing off their islands and maps in Week 9. They will then share their final products with all of the Grade 3/4 classes at the end of Week 10.