From the Assistant Principal
New Partnerships and Pathways
After Cup Day we all start thinking about the end of the year countdown and holidays. And for many students this means also thinking about their new grade in 2024, new teacher and maybe being in a class without some of their closest peers. These are all normal wonderings, and for some may cause a degree of worry, as the year comes to a close. It was great therefore to see so many parents attend the Parent PD that was organised by the school and Adele around ‘Supporting Anxious Little Minds’ a couple of weeks ago. We hope to offer more Parent PDs in 2024, and will be looking for topics that will resonate with our parent community next year.
We are always trying to develop and strengthen partnership with our parent community and, at this time of the year, also our transition processes. This year, for the first time, we have held pre -Foundation Getting to Know You Meetings with all our incoming families for 2024. This provided an opportunity for parents and members of the school leadership team to meet each other, as well as gain valuable insights into their child so we can better prepare for their transition to school.
There are a number of informal and formal pathways that we create to help students transition into the new year.
- Yr 5s are currently undertaking the Yr 6 Leadership Preparation Program which includes school Captain interviews next week.
- ‘Up Afternoon’ in Week 9, where all students spend the afternoon with teachers from the year above.
- In week 9, there is Up
- Yr 4 Buddy Kinder Visits in week 10
- Week 11 sees the Year 6-7 Transition Day for Government Schools
- On Friday 15th December students will Meet the 2024 Class Teacher
- One afternoon, afterschool, has also been put aside for our 2024 Foundation students to come and ‘Meet their Teacher’ too.
Bron Orr
Assistant Principal