Year 5/6

Wow! What a fun and productive year with a group of absolute legends! We have learnt so much and have been on so many adventures from the Melbourne Arts Centre, to the MCG, to seeing live music at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl!! Our year has been filled with creative experience, learning about the world and having so much fun and laughter together as a class.
To our Year 6’s- you will be very missed at LPS but will definitely be remembered for your collective kindness, enthusiasm and care! We wish you all the luck for your next chapter!
Here are some highlights from 56C about what they loved most about our year together!
Jack- My favourite part of this year is the passion projects we did in Term 3. I liked this because I love talking about my passions and hobbies.
Zayne- I have loved doing athletics because I got to represent our school and make it to regional for my 100-meter sprint which was so much fun.
Evie- The highlight of my year was the Christmas picnic because I loved dressing up and spending time in class with friends and my teacher learning a 70s themed dance.
Max- My highlight of the year was the Bollywood dance because we got to learn about parties that go on in India.
Caitlin- The highlight of my year was the King Stingray concert because we got to sing and dance and we all got to go on a train.
Charlie- My highlight is the passion project in term 3 because I like doing passion projects.
Lily- I loved doing CYC camp in the city. It was a really fun camp! We walked so much but it was so worth it. My favourite part of the camp was the river cruise. We went on a on a really dirty river and got to stand on the back of the boat. I loved it so much!
Zara- My highlight of the year is going to see King Stingray because we got to have lots of fun and it was a new experience for some of us.
Hazel- My highlight of the year is our CYC camp because it was really fun and we did a lot of things to make us come home really happy.
Sheamus- My highlight is cooking because you got to try new foods.
Finley- My highlight of the year was cross country because I made it to State and I was going up against Victoria, so I came 27th.
Angus- My highlight was learning about feudal Japan and ancient Greece because it is interesting learning how different things were back then.
Daniela- The highlight of my school year is the CYC camp because it was really fun and you got to hang out with your friends and we did a lot of activities.
Maisen- My highlight was the CYC city camp because it was different to the other camps and it was the last camp with teachers and friends.
Charlee- The highlight of my year at school was learning about the First Fleet and doing convict research. It was so interesting learning about what life was like back then and how different everyone lived. Doing the convict research was so interesting, some people were sent to Australia because they stole a loaf of bread!
Samuel- My highlight of the year was the Christmas picnic because it was fun practising, we had heaps of laughs making it and the effort everyone put in to it.
Ellie- The highlight of my year has been the CYC city camp. The CYC city camp was my highlight of my year because I got to travel to the city to make fun memories with my friends. It was like a big three-day sleepover and the food was really good.
Niamh- The highlight of my school year has been cooking and gardening. Cooking because I got to learn about different foods and try new foods. Gardening because I get to learn about different ways of compost and some gardening hacks.
India- The highlight of my school year was King Stingray because I got to hang out with my friends, listen and to their music and also because I got gummy bears in my lunch.
Luke- This year, I enjoyed the CYC camp because we got to see a lot of stuff in the city. My favourite part of camp was going to the MCG.
Maddie- My highlight of the year was camp because it was so much fun walking around the city seeing new things and I also liked King Stingray because it was my first concert and it was so much fun. I also liked cross country because it was my first time getting into the second level.
Riley- My highlight of the year was CYC camp because I loved going to the MCG.
5/6T 2023 wrap-up....
Our favourite things from this year...
Kelly - Going to see King Stingray perform at the Music Bowl
Indie - Going on the 5/6 camp
Abbi - getting my pen licence
Dom - studying the novel 'How to Bee' in Reading
Thomas - The Ancient Greek Olympic Games
Will - Building water rockets and studying Feudal Japan
Clancy - Going on the 5/6 camp
Chylle - building water rockets
Shelby - doing our Passion Projects
Kai - watching BTN each week
Charlton - cooking food in the SAKG program
Flynn - Going on the 5/6 camp
Abbey - building water rockets
Ella - ten pin bowling on camp
James - studying the novel 'How to Bee' in Reading
Orbella - the Bollywood performance
Lachlan - the Ancient Greek Olympic Games
Teddy - participating in the Cross Country