Physical Education

Well here we are…almost…at the end of term and the YEAR! Crazy… We have had an absolute ripper of a term and sitting here writing the newsletter, gives me the chance to reflect on all the sports and health topics we’ve covered this term. Here we go…… long jump, sprinting, relays, egg and spoon, beanbag toss, Capture the Flag, Golden Child, Ultimate Frisbee, street hockey and let’s not forgot the week we played Quidditch (apologies to those classes that missed out due to my revolting case of ‘sore eye’) We really have had a blast and I’m continuously impressed with the level of excitement, enthusiasm, competitiveness, teamwork, support, care and fun the kids thrown in to PE every week. It makes my love for sport and being a teacher that much better when I get to witness the level of joy from ALL LPS students week in and week out. Thank you to all of you!!
A big thank you to the parents and Grade 5/6 students who helped out at the Junior Athletics Carnival last week. It was a wonderful day made all the better with the help I was given. There were so many reports back to me about positive interactions between students who really understood what the day was about. Not winning but having a good time!
I also want to say an massive thank you and goodbye to the grade 6 students leaving us this year. You have all been beyond wonderful and I’ve absolutely loved getting to know you and be beaten by you in most sports we play! Good luck with all of you future endeavours, especially the sporty ones!
Have a wonderful Christmas break everyone, I hope Santa is generous and you all get to spend time with those you love. There’s a lot going on in the world at the moment which makes this time of year that much more important.
Happy holidays,