Principal's Report

Thank you one and all for a fabulous year at LPS! We have all achieved so much and to recall every single event and learning opportunity would take some time. We were very pleased this year to provide many free opportunities and experiences for all students including attending performances at the Victorian Arts Centre and the amazing Stories in the Wall experience for our senior students. We are hopeful that we can offer more of these great experiences for all students in 2024. I would like to thank all of our families, parents and students for your support, care and positive attitudes throughout the year. It is a pleasure and privilege to work with and support all of you.
To our talented and hard-working staff, teachers, education support staff and office staff; thank you really is never enough.
Your thoughtful planning and hard work that takes place every day and behind the scenes; your commitment to providing top quality education, care and experiences for our students and your willingness to continually improve practice, take on board feedback and support your colleagues. Most importantly your commitment to implementing our wellbeing approaches and provide daily support to our students and families in a myriad of often quiet, unseen and unthanked ways is greatly appreciated, noticed and acknowledged.
Working in education continues to be more complex, demanding and challenging. I believe our team at LPS meet those challenges with professionalism, great team spirit, determination, grace and good humour.
Important Notices and Reminders
Please take the time to read through the notices and reminders section of the newsletter for information about 2024 parent/carer payments, unexplained absences and lost property. 2024 parent payment information was sent home on Friday 1st of December with each student. Please check with your child's teacher if you didn't receive this.
Also remember to check the calendar of events page for important end of 2023 and return to school dates for 2024.
Staffing thank you
I would like to thank Paul Allen for the great job he has done at LPS this year as one of our Visual Arts teachers. Paul has worked hard with students to explore all types of art and mediums. In particular the students have really enjoyed the outside art installation projects throughout the year. We wish Paul and the very best for 2024.
Whole School Transition
We will be holding two transitions sessions for our students to meet with teachers and new groups for 2024.
Friday 8th of December - Students and teachers will meet in new cohorts (not with their 2024 teachers)
Friday 15th December - Students will meet with 2024 teachers and new classes.
Teachers and classes for 2024:
Prep A - Andrew Hall
Prep N - Nicole Presley
1/2J - Jenna Rowe
1/2C - Celeste Davis
1/2N - Naomi Whalan
3/4T - Travis Moait
3/4W - Wiley Lewis
5/6C - Claudia Zalmstra
5/6J - Jaclyn Milward
School Council Thank You
Thank you to our 2023 School Council team for supporting our school and in particular the hard work put into our school disco this year and our fabulous Trivia Night! In 2024 we will have 3 parent/carer vacancies on School Council so have a think over the holidays if you would like to join us. More information will be available in the new year.
Congratulations Year 6 Students
Congratulations to our year 6 students. It has been a pleasure to watch this great group of students grow and develop skills which will support them through the challenging time of transitioning into life at secondary school. All of the Year 6 2023 team have been a great support to me, taking charge at assemblies and representing our school with pride at a range of whole school and community events. I have so enjoyed working with all of you this year.
Our approach to including all year 6s to be a part of the 'Year 6 Team' in 2023 has proved to be highly successful with all students having opportunities to develop responsibility, leadership and public speaking skills. We are greatly looking forward to recognising the efforts of all year 6 students at our upcoming graduation evening on Monday 11th of December. We are also looking forward to our Year 6 2024 team step up and take on new challenges in the new school year.
We all enjoyed our fun end of year concert! Thank you for supporting your children with costumes and coming along on the night.