Year Advisers 

Year 8, 10 & 12

Year 8, this term has been very busy with report and assessment season well on its way. It was an extremely stressful term for Year 8, as many assessments were due at the same time and as a year group we had to learn time management skills quickly. We took part in many activities held throughout the day. I had the pleasure of going to Zone Gala day where we had a group of Year 8 students participate in games against other schools from all around the coast. We had a busy day of playing Endzone, Dodgeball, Netball and Kick Tennis, and we ended our day with a sausage sizzle and many zooper doopers. 

I also had the pleasure to go around to 8Y's Applied Learning class to judge their Gingerbread houses. We had some amazing and very detailed houses, where the students really showcased their creative side. 


Unfortunately some ginger bread didn't make it out of the oven, but overall I loved seeing them connect the idea of Perimeter & Area to a practical application.

To finish off the term, a few of our students went to Luna Park for a Rewards Day for all their outstanding efforts for the year. Our Top 10 Sentral point earners were invited for a day at Luna Park, where they got to go on all the rides, eat yummy food and have a day hanging out with their friends. 

Overall we have had an outstanding term and an amazing year. I hope Christmas is a time for fun and joy, and I will see you all for 2024. 


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.



Chantelle Sanki

Year 8 Adviser




Congratulations to Year 10 on finishing their junior high school years! It's hard to believe how quickly this year has gone by. In just 53 days, they will embark on a new journey as they enter their senior years of high school.


This year has been a whirlwind of activities for our students! From exciting excursions (who could forget Stand Tall!) to important assessments, selecting electives and choosing names for their senior jackets, there was never a dull moment. However, the past few weeks have been especially hectic with the Stage 6 Preparation Program.


In Week 7, the Stage 6 Prep Program began with students following a Year 11 timetable and attending the classes they had selected for next year. This gave students the opportunity to reflect on their choices and make changes if needed. By the end of the week, most students had finalized their subject selections and were prepared for the upcoming year. On Friday, students commenced the PBL Make a Movie Project, which required them to produce a movie within a limited number of days.


During Week 8, students participated in a variety of programs that focused on not only their academic future, but also life beyond school. They also had opportunities to work on their make a movie project. To kick off the week, students gained valuable insights into road safety and tips for purchasing a car through the external provider Lemon Car. 


Tuesday was the Elevate workshops. Elevate’s study skills seminars are designed to achieve behavioural change among students. It isn’t enough that students simply understand what they need to do in their study. The challenge in any study skills program is getting students to use and apply the skills they learn. 

Wednesday and Thursday were Core of Life workshops. Core of Life is an innovative, interactive, health/early intervention program. It focuses on the real journey of relationships, pregnancy, birth & early parenting while addressing any misinformed, media driven ideas individuals might have. 

After an intense year, students had the opportunity to unwind and de-stress at Terrigal Beach on Friday. The outing was the perfect way to cap off a busy week.

Week 9 was also another busy week. Starting on Monday with Elective Day. Students either participated in Clip N’ Climb/Laser Tag, Kayaking and SUP at Avoca Lagoon, Chef for a Day or a Music Workshop. This was another opportunity for students to unwind and have fun with their peers and teachers. 

On Tuesday, students completed in two workshops to help them with the many issues teenagers come across as they complete their last two years of schooling and enter into adulthood. Lifeline ran their ‘Mind Your Mates’ workshop. This workshop provides the students a ‘toolbox tool’ which enables them to recognise the signs of depression, anxiety and thoughts of suicide in their mate/s. Redfrogs ran a workshop to help prepare students for the various situations they will face in Australian society and culture, including Alcohol, drugs and social media. 


On Wednesday, students attended the Equip Leadership Program. The day was action-packed, fun-filled and designed to equip Year 10 with leadership skills that will have them stepping up to the challenge to be positive leaders and role models - by example, service and action. 


On Thursday, students attended RYDA at Wyong Racecourse. RYDA provides students with the tools and understanding they need to see themselves as active, responsible road citizens. 

On Friday, the three-week program came to a close with students completing the editing of their movies. The entire school was excited to see the final results, which turned out to be a diverse range of highly entertaining films.


It gives me great pride to see how well Year 10 has conducted themselves during the program, and how they embraced the opportunity to learn new skills that they can use in the future. 


As we prepare to head into the holidays, I encourage our Year 10 students to take time away from the stresses of life and enjoy some quality time with loved ones. To all Year 10 students and their families, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 


I'm eagerly anticipating their return in 2024 as senior students.


“I'm looking forward to the future, and feeling grateful for the past.”

Mike Rowe





Karen Hogan

Year 10 Adviser




Welcome to the last ever school newsletter report for the Class of 2023! Despite not being at school this term, there are still some big things to report. 


The biggest event was the formal, which was held on the 15 November at Crowne Plaza in Terrigal. I’m sure I can speak without bias on behalf of all who attended to say it was the best night ever! It began with the students getting photos taken at The Haven, before moving to the Crowne. All students were greeted with a high five by yours truly before entering the beauty of the room. We ate delicious food, listened to inspiring and loving messages by the school leaders (staff and students), watched a video starring the staff who’ve guided Year 12 over the years (including some who’ve moved on to new adventures), laughed hysterically at Max and Kai’s presentation of the funny staff and student awards and then danced the night away until we had to kick them out at closing time. 

It was the perfect celebration of all that Year 12 have achieved over thirteen years of school! If you’d like to see more photographic evidence, you can do so at this link: 

Password: hkhs151123


The last milestone for this cohort was the release of the HSC results and ATARS on Thursday 14 December 2023. Year 12 should be very proud of their achievements! There were many brilliant marks with plenty of students achieving Band 5 and 6 in their subjects. Their teachers were also incredibly proud of the students whose results demonstrated an impressive improvement in their marks throughout Year 12 with many achieving higher bands than expected. ATAR results deserving of a special mentions are: 

  • Georgia Muspratt: 93.3 
  • Alyssa Russotti: 92.7. 
  • Lukas Cedervall-Norton (88.45), Carter Purvis (88.50) and Leah Reynolds (88.85). 

And finally, a massive congratulations to Alexander McGavin! He achieved the much coveted title of Dux of 2023 with his ATAR of 98.3!! Incredible!


And so ends the school journey of the Class of 2023. I am one incredibly proud school mum and this role will always be one of the best experiences of my career. Thank you, Year 12. 



Sasha Fitzgerald

Year 12 Adviser