from the Assistant Principal  

Mr Shayne Smith

Weekly Overview

We have finally entered into the final days of the year, with growth excitement and a vision of focus for next year and the possibilities that all students can achieve next year. 


Over the week it has been a privilege to see students embracing the optimistic mindset to grow in confidence as they look to their classes for 2024. 


Thanks to all those who came to the K-2 Christmas concert, Year 6 Farewell, and the Stage 2+3 Social (It was hot - as many students said, "worth it though!"). 


This week we have already had our K-2 Water Blast, the students were energised and refreshed, I believe some of our teachers found that out too! 


Today we have had our Presentation Assembly. Thanks to those who came to show their support of  their child's/children's achievements.  We are very proud of all award winners as they are recognised for their consistent efforts.


Also, our K-2 teachers head to the movies with our Stage 2+3 students preparing for a Colour Run on Thursday. 


It's all happening this week!


Reports will be distributed later this week. Students will be given their reports on Wednesday with a requirement list inside that students will need as they progress into their classrooms for 2024. 

Also, we hope to have their class list for 2024. If they are not finalised to go in the report envelope they will be sent home before the end of the term.

Coin Drop

On Wednesday, 13 December, we will have a Coin Drop in the Library Quadrangle. Students are encouraged to bring in some loose coins to contribute.


We thank you in advance for your generosity and support of these important traditions - they make a difference to many people in our community.


We wish all our students who are moving and or entering into Secondary all the success for 2024. The memories that have been created and experienced with your time in HTS Primary will always be with you. 


Memories are made in the moments that cannot be bought, but only experienced; Live life to the Fullest!

Merry Christmas all and we look forward to the new adventure of learning that awaits in 2024!